Hope, Mr., 161.
—— Thomas, 209.
Horner, Francis, 18, 25, 29, 32.
Houghton, Lord, 32, 144 n., 194 n., 198 n.
Life of (Sir Wemyss Reid), 195 n.
Howard, William (Earl of Carlisle), 110.
—— Mrs. Henry, 83 n.
Howick, Lord, 56.
Howley, Archbishop, 3.
Hume, 34 n., 35.
Improvements, Modern, 230-232.
Ingram, Meynell-, H.C., 196.
Invasion of England, 55.
Ireland, Roman Catholics of, 48.
Irish Question, see Catholic.
Ivanhoe (Scott), 208.
James I., 119.
Jeffrey (Edinburgh Review), 18, 24 seq., 31,
32, 36, 80, 87, 181, 195,
199, 217.
Judges, duties of, 97 seq.
—— Sermon to, 96 seq.
“Junius,” 198.
Juries, Irish, 66, 67.
Keble, 151 n., 221.
Keogh, Mr., 57.
Labouchere, Henry, 161.
Landseer, 161.
Langdale, Lord, 161.
Lansdowne, Lord, 18.
Lauderdale, Earl of, 44, 87, 88.
Laws, the Penal, 117, 120.
Lawyers, Sermon to, 101.
Lays of Ancient Rome (Macaulay), 209.
Lectures on Moral Philosophy, 31, 33 seq.,
216 n.
Lee, Professor, 169.
Lemon, Sir Charles, 161.
Letter to the Electors upon the Catholic Question,
Letters to Archdeacon Singleton, 163 seq.,
167 seq., 195.
Letters from a Mahratta Camp, Review of, 233.
Letters (Pascal), 76.
Liberty of Prophesying (Jeremy Taylor), 130
Lister, Thomas Henry, 209.
Liverpool, Lord, 124.
Livings, Poor, 164, 168 seq., 171.
Locke, 207.
Londonderry, Marquis of, 63 n.
Longman (publisher), 26.
Lords, House of, speech on, 148.
Louis XIV., 128.
Luttrell, Henry, 29, 87, 132, 161.
Lyndhurst, Lord, 124, 125.
Macaulay, 76, 84 n., 86 n., 122, 123, 141, 193, 195,
Mackintosh, Sir James, 29, 87, 184, 185, 207.
Maltby, Bishop, 207.
Marcet, Alexander, 29, 87.
Marcet, Mrs., 87, 210.
Markham, Archbishop, 41.
Marsh, Bishop, 91 seq., 207.
Martyrology, English, 119.
Mary, Queen, 47.
Massinger, 207.
Melbourne, Lord, 144 n., 161, 173, 178 n.
Methodism, 178, 179-183.
Methodist Magazine, 178.
Meynell, see Ingram.
Mildert, Van, Bishop, 77.
Milman, Dean, 152.
Milner, Isaac, 92.
Milton, 207.
Mind, Lectures on, 32.
Missions, Indian, 179, 180.
Missionary Society, Baptist, 180.
Modern Painters (Ruskin), 210.
Monk, Bishop, of Gloucester, 173, 174, 207.
Montaigne, 208.
Monteagle, Lord, 161.
Montgomery, “Satan,” 195.
Monuments, National, 153, 205.
Moore, Thomas, 206.
More, Hannah, 16, 183.
Morley, Lady, 151.
Morpeth, Lord, 88.
Murray, Lord, 24, 25, 76, 217.
Musical Festivals, 206.