Eastlake, Mr., 161.
Ecclesiastical Commission, 163 seq.
Education, 135-56; public school, 5, 6.
value of Classical, 5 seq.
Edinburgh, 28.
—— University, 17 seq.
Edinburgh Review, 21 seq., 86, 90, 177, 183,
207, 208, 217, 219.
—— —— Sydney Smith’s
contributions to, 26, 27, 40, 90, 91, 92 seq.
126, 177, 184, 226, 227.
Eldon, Lord, 25, 56, 140.
Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, 33
Elizabeth, Queen, 47, 119.
Ellenborough, Lord, 115 n.
Emancipation, Catholic, 65, 106 seq., 128, 136 n.,
Endymion (Beaconsfield), 128 n.
England at the beginning of the nineteenth century,
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (Byron),
26 n., 11 n.
English Church in the Nineteenth Century (Overton),
16 n.
Enquirer (Godwin), 89.
Epitaph on Pitt, Sydney Smith’s, 40, 41.
Erskine, Lord, 11.
Essex, Lord, 160 n.
Evangelical clergy, 178, 183; Revival, 219.
Evangelical Magazine, 179.
Ferguson, 35.
Fitzgerald, William Vesey, 125.
Foston-le-Clay, 41, 78 seq.
Fox, Miss, 87.
—— (martyrologist), 119.
—— General, 203, 204.
France and Ireland, 57, 60, 61, 62, 68.
Fry, Mrs., 85.
Game Laws, 85
Gas, introduction of, 88, 231.
George III., 40, 42, 68, 71.
—— IV, 124, 125, 135.
Gladstone, 49, 163, 190 n.
Gleanings, 163 n.
Glenelg, Lord, 161.
Goderich, Lord, 125.
Godwin, William, 89.
Gower, Leveson-, Lady, 87 n.
Granby (Lister), 209.
Grattan, Henry, 29, 56, 184.
Grenville, Lord, 40, 41, 55, 75.
Greville, Charles, 135, 153.
Grey, Lord, 44, 88, 112, 136, 141, 143, 145, 147,
149, 151, 196, 197, 225.
—— Lady, 112.
Grote, 177, 211.
“Gunpowder Treason,” Sermon on, 128, 154.
Habit, Lecture on, 38.
Halford, Sir Henry, 83.
Hallam, 163.
Harcourt, Vernon-, Archbishop, 79 n., 88, 107.
—— William, 107.
—— Miss Georgiana, 190, 191.
Harrowby, Lord, 107.
Hawkesbury, Lord, 59, 60, 201 n.
Haydon (painter), 204,
Heart of Midlothian (Scott), 208.
Henley, Lord, 41 n.
Henry VIII., 119.
Hermann, 175.
Hibbert, Nathaniel, 23, 125, 161.
Hill, John, 17.
History of Roman Jurisprudence (Terrasson),
Hobbes, 216 n.
Hoche, General, 49.
Holland, Lady (Sydney Smith’s daughter), 5,
22, 192, 214. See
Smith, Saba.
—— Sir Henry, 23, 161, 192.
—— Miss Caroline, 193.
—— Lady (Elizabeth Vassall), 30,
36, 40, 41, 79, 80, 87, 161, 167 n.,
203, 213
—— Lord, 29, 40, 41, 75, 87, 128,
206, 212.
—— Scott, Canon, 205