[157] See Appendix E.
[158] William IV.
[159] Charles Richard Fox (1796-1873).
[160] Benjamin West (1738-1820).
[161] Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846).
[162] I am indebted for this tradition to the Rev.
H.S. Holland, D.D.,
Canon of St. Paul’s.
[163] John Allen was nicknamed “Lady Holland’s Atheist.”
[164] Bishop of Gloucester.
[165] Bishop of London.
[166] Bishop of Durham.
[167] Bishop of Peterborough.
[168] Quoted by Mr. Stuart Reid.
[169] Praeterita, vol. II. chap. ix.
[170] Jane Marcet (1769-1858), authoress of Conversations
[171] See Appendix C.
[172] Comus.
[173] See Appendix D.
[174] Compare his attack on Hobbes, of whom he says
that his “dirty
recreation” of smoking
did not interrupt any “immoral, irreligious,
unmathematical track of thought
in which he happened to be engaged.”—
Lectures on Moral Philosophy,
[175] Dixit insipiens in corde suo; Non est Deus.—Psalm xiv.
[176] July 14, 1833. “I have ever considered
and kept the day as the start
of the religious movement
of 1833.”—CARDINAL NEWMAN, Apologia.
[177] In early life he wrote from Edinburgh;—“In
England, I maintain,
(except among ladies in the
middle rank of life) there is no religion
at all. The Clergy of
England have no more influence over the people
at large than the Cheesemongers
of England.”
[178] By Mr. Stuart Reid.
[179] St. Luke ix. 62.
[180] “What can we think of the fitness of a
man to address his Queen and
his country in the dogmatical
strain of this pamphlet, who does not
know the New Testament from
the Old; the Psalms from the Gospel, David
from Simeon; who expatiates
so pompously on the duty and benefit of
prayer, yet mistakes
and miscalls a portion of the Common Prayer,
which he is bound in law and
in conscience to repeat every evening of
his life.”—Quarterly
Review, July 1837.
The reference is to the Sermon
on the Queen’s Accession. The blunder
was rectified in a later edition.
[181] He said this of Lord Grey.
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