Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: in Mizzoura eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 87 pages of information about Representative Plays by American Dramatists.

Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: in Mizzoura eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 87 pages of information about Representative Plays by American Dramatists.

KATE.  How—­go with you?

TRAVERS.  As my wife.

KATE.  But why such haste?  Why go as if we feared anything?

TRAVERS.  I must go to-night.  Great interests depend upon it.  I know your people don’t like me, but I haven’t time to humour them.  Will you go?

KATE.  Let me think till then.

TRAVERS.  Yes,—­good-bye till to-night. [Holds her hand—­she turns as if to leave.] Kate!  Kate!  Good-bye. [Impulsive turn and embrace.] Till to-night.

Enter DAVE, from breakfast.

DAVE.  Huh! [Shortly; more a chuck than an exclamation.  The lovers start.] Oh!  Seminary!

TRAVERS exits.

DAVE. [Embarrassed—­nodding off.] Breakfast.

KATE.  Thank you. [Exits.

DAVE. [Going to bench and beginning work on shaft with draw knife.]
Well—­Lizbeth don’t know so blamed much about books—­[Shakes head.]
But—­huh—­[Shakes head again.] I tell you—­[Works hard—­enter
LIZBETH with pan, which she puts on forge.

DAVE. [Commanding.] Come here, Lizbeth.

LIZBETH. [Crosses to DAVE. Pause.] What? [Falling inflection.

DAVE. [Cautiously, approving her.] Why, dog gone it—­[Shakes head.] Huh! [Swaggers.] I tell you—­[Works.

LIZBETH. [Wonderingly.] What’s the matter?

DAVE. [Threatening.] If you was to say seminary to me—­[Swaggers.]
Huh! [Works.

LIZBETH. [After pause.] What?

DAVE. [Ominously.] Why, Lizbeth, the sooner we git married an’ git out o’ this, the better.

LIZBETH. [Hopelessly.] Well, what kin I do?

DAVE. [Working.] Dog gone it—­if I had a stidy job!

LIZBETH. [Understandingly.] I know that, Dave. [Goes back to pan.

DAVE. [Bragging.] An’ you bet your father knows it.

LIZBETH. [Portentously.] Well, I told ma—­

DAVE.  An’ that’s what he said.  If I had a stidy job—­

Enter EM’LY.

EM’LY.  Hello—­

DAVE.  Why, how de do?

LIZBETH.  Can’t you come in?

EM’LY.  Who’s there? [Indicates kitchen.

LIZBETH.  Only the folks and Jim.

EM’LY.  I want Jim—­say—­Sam’s there. [Off.

LIZBETH.  Sam Fowler!—­Oh, ma—­[Exits.

DAVE.  Sam—­why, see here.  Sam! [Goes up.

SAM enters.  Wears express blue and a cap.

EM’LY. [Beckoning.] Sam!

DAVE brings SAM down.  Enter JOE, followed by MRS. VERNON,

JOE. [Heartily.] Sam, Sam, how are you?

SAM. [Shaking hands.] I didn’t know how you’d feel about it.

Project Gutenberg
Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: in Mizzoura from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.