The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers.

The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers.

“There’s a rattler in camp.  Get a torch, somebody!”

Tad, who had snatched an ember from the dying campfire, was poking about cautiously, the torch in one hand, a club in the other ready to dispatch the reptile on sight.  The Ranger who had been on guard duty hurried in upon hearing the uproar.  He said he had heard a snake just after leaving the camp.  The men jeered when they saw Stacy half way up a small tree, peering down at them with scared eyes.

“Afraid of the snake, eh, Bugs?”

“No, I’m not afraid of any snake.  I just thought I’d get out of your way so you could work better.”

The men jeered again.  Morgan stepped over and gave the tree a shake, whereat the fat boy came sliding down to the ground.  The search for the reptile was a fruitless one.  After a time the Rangers turned in again.  They had not been rolled in their blankets more than five minutes when that same fearsome, trilling hiss smote their ears again.  This time the men were mad.  They declared they’d find the “pizen critter” before ever they turned in again.

“Pile on some wood.  We’ve got to have light here,” ordered the captain.  “Where was he?”

“That’s what we’re trying to find out, Captain.  It isn’t any easy matter to locate a sound like that.  The critter may be ’most anywhere.”

“Have—–­have you looked in your pockets?” stammered Stacy.

“Yes, maybe he’s crawled in your clothes to get warm,” grinned Tad.

“Oh, close up!” growled a tired Ranger.

“I was just trying to help you,” answered Chunky indignantly.  “You needn’t get mad about it.”

“No, don’t grouch,” laughed the captain.  “We are losing too much time as it is.  Better roll in your blankets and go to sleep.  The fire will drive the fellow away.”

Some of the men tried to sleep standing, leaning against trees.  Others took the chance and rolled in their blankets.  But there was little rest in the camp that night.  About the time the men had settled down, they would be awakened to their surroundings by that same trilling hiss.  It was beginning to get on the nerves of the Rangers.  They were getting mad.  The Pony Rider Boys felt a sense of discomfort too, though none showed any nervousness.  It was not the first time the young explorers had passed through such an experience.  Just the same they would have preferred to be in some other locality just then.

Finally Stacy went to sleep.  When he woke up with a start, he tried to recall what had been going on when he dropped off.  Then he remembered.  He had been indulging in his famous imitation of an angry serpent.  Had any of the men been awake at the moment he might have seen the fat boy’s blanket shaking as if the boy were sobbing.  But Stacy Brown was not sobbing.

It was some moments before he had subdued his merriment sufficiently to hiss again.  The hiss was unheard.  Stacy opened his eyes as he saw the captain striding into camp.  He saw McKay awaken the Rangers, then start to arouse the Pony Rider Boys.  In his wonderment at the proceeding Stacy forgot to hiss again for some time.

Project Gutenberg
The Pony Rider Boys with the Texas Rangers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.