Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations eBook

Archibald Sayce
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations.

Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations eBook

Archibald Sayce
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations.


1.  Men-pehuti-Ra Ramessu I. 
        (Ramesses), more than 2 years.
2.  Men-ma-Ra Seti I. (Sethos)
        Mer-en-Ptah I., more than 27 years.
3.  User-ma-Ra (Osymandyas)
        Sotep-en-Ra Ramessu II. 
        (Ramses) Mi-Amon (the
        Sesostris of the Greeks), B.C.
        1348-1281 (according to Dr.
4.  Mer-en-Ptah II. (Ammenephthes)
        Hotep-hi-ma Ba-n-Ra Mi-Amon.
5.  User-khepru-Ra Seti II.  Mer-en-Ptah III.
6.  Amon-messu Hik-An Mer-kha-Ra Sotep-en-Ra.
7.  Khu-n-Ra Sotop-en-Ra Mer-en-Ptah IV.  Si-Ptah and wife Ta-user.


1.  Set-nekht Merer Mi-Amon (recovered the kingdom from the Canaanite
2.  Ramessu III.  Hik-an, more than 32 years. 3.  Ramessu IV.  Hik-Ma Mi-Amon, more than 11 years. 4.  Ramessu V. User-ma-s-kheper-en-Ra Mi-Amon, more than 4 years. 5.  Ramessu VI.  Neb-ma-Ra Mi-Amon Amon-hir-kho-pesh-ef (called Meri-Tum
   in northern Egypt).
6.  Ramessu VII.  At-Amon User-ma-Ra Mi-Amon. 7.  Ramessu VIII.  Set-hir-kho-pesh-ef Mi-Amon User-ma-Ra Khu-n-Amon. 8.  Ramessu IX.  Si-Ptah S-kha-n-Ra Mi-Amon, 19 years. 9.  Ramessu X. Nefer-ka-Ra Mi-Amon Sotep-en-Ra, more than 10 years. 10.  Ramessu XI.  Amon-hir-kho-pesh-ef Kheper-ma-Ra Sotep-en-Ra. 11.  Ramessu XII.  Men-ma-Ra Mi-Amon Sotep-en-Ptah Kha-m-uas, more than 27


1.  Nes-Bindidi (Smendes) Mi-Amon. 2.  P-seb-kha-n I. (Psusennes I.) Mi-Amon Aa-kheper-Ra Sotep-en-Amon. 3. [Nefer-ka-Ra] (Nephelkheres). 4.  Amon-em-apt (Amenophthis). 5. ... (Osokhor). 6.  Pinezem (?) (Psinakhes). 7.  Hor-P-seb-kha-n II. (Psusennes II.).

Contemporary with the Twenty-first dynasty was an illegitimate dynasty of high-priests at Thebes:—­

(1.) Hir-Hor Si-Amon. (2.) Piankhi. (3.) Pinezem I. (4.) Pinezem II. with title of “king.” (5.) Men-kheper-Ra and wife Isis-em-kheb. (6.) Pinezem III.


1.  Shashanq I. (Shishak) Mi-Amon Hez-kheper-Ra Sotep-en-Ra, son of
   Nemart, captain of the Libyan mercenaries, more than 21 years.
2.  Usarkon I. Mi-Amon Sek-hem-kheper-Ra. 3.  Takelet I. Mi-Amon Si-Isis User-ma-Ra Sotep-en-Amon, more than 23
4.  Usarkon II.  Mi-Amon Si-Bast User-ma-Ra, more than 23 years. 5.  Shashanq II.  Mi-Amon Sek-hem-kheper-Ra. 6.  Takelet II.  Mi-Amon Si-Isis Hez-kheper-Ra, more than 15 years. 7.  Shashanq III.  Mi-Amon Si-Bast User-ma-Ra, 52 years. 8.  Pimai Mi-Amon User-ma-Ra Sotep-en-Amon. 9.  Shashanq IV.  Aa-kheper-Ra, more than 37 years.


1.  S-hir-ab-Ra Petu-si-Bast. 2.  Usarkon III.  Mi-Amon Aa-kheper-Ra Sotep-en-Amon. 3.  P-si-Mut User-Ra Sotep-en-Ptah.


Egypt is divided between several princes, including Tef-nekht, father of
Bak-en-ran-ef.  It is overrun by Piankhi the Ethiopian, while Usarkon
III. reigns at Bubastis.  The son and successor of Piankhi was

Project Gutenberg
Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.