Memoirs and Historical Chronicles of the Courts of Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about Memoirs and Historical Chronicles of the Courts of Europe.

Memoirs and Historical Chronicles of the Courts of Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about Memoirs and Historical Chronicles of the Courts of Europe.
and wish for nothing so much as to throw off the yoke of their tyranny; but, as the country is divided betwixt different religions, we are at a loss how to effect it.  If we could unite, we should soon drive out the Spaniards; but this division amongst ourselves renders us weak.  Would to God the King your brother would come to a resolution of reconquering this country, to which he has an ancient claim!  We should all receive him with open arms.”

This was a frank declaration, made by the Countess without premeditation, but it had been long agitated in the minds of the people, who considered that it was from France they were to hope for redress from the evils with which they were afflicted.  I now found I had as favourable an opening as I could wish for to declare my errand.  I told her that the King of France my brother was averse to engaging in foreign war, and the more so as the Huguenots in his kingdom were too strong to admit of his sending any large force out of it.  “My brother Alencon,” said I, “has sufficient means, and might be induced to undertake it.  He has equal valour, prudence, and benevolence with the King my brother or any of his ancestors.  He has been bred to arms, and is esteemed one of the bravest generals of these times.  He has the command of the King’s army against the Huguenots, and has lately taken a well-fortified town, called Issoire, and some other places that were in their possession.  You could not invite to your assistance a prince who has it so much in his power to give it; being not only a neighbour, but having a kingdom like France at his devotion, whence he may expect to derive the necessary aid and succour.  The Count your husband may be assured that if he do my brother this good office he will not find him ungrateful, but may set what price he pleases upon his meritorious service.  My brother is of a noble and generous disposition, and ready to requite those who do him favours.  He is, moreover, an admirer of men of honour and gallantry, and accordingly is followed by the bravest and best men France has to boast of.  I am in hopes that a peace will soon be reestablished with the Huguenots, and expect to find it so on my return to France.  If the Count your husband think as you do, and will permit me to speak to him on the subject, I will engage to bring my brother over to the proposal, and, in that case, your country in general, and your house in particular, will be well satisfied with him.  If, through your means, my brother should establish himself here, you may depend on seeing me often, there being no brother or sister who has a stronger affection for each other.”

The Countess appeared to listen to what I said with great pleasure, and acknowledged that she had not entered upon this discourse without design.  She observed that, having perceived I did her the honour to have some regard for her, she had resolved within herself not to let me depart out of the country without explaining to me the situation of it, and begging me to procure the aid of France to relieve them from the apprehensions of living in a state of perpetual war or of submitting to Spanish tyranny.  She thereupon entreated me to allow her to relate our present conversation to her husband, and permit them both to confer with me on the subject the next day.  To this I readily gave my consent.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs and Historical Chronicles of the Courts of Europe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.