Pamela, Volume II eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 779 pages of information about Pamela, Volume II.

Pamela, Volume II eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 779 pages of information about Pamela, Volume II.

He said, he was delighted with me beyond expression; that I was his ecstatic charmer!—­That the love I shewed for his future good was the moving proof of the purity of my heart, and my affection for him.  And that very evening he joined with me in my retired duties; and, at all proper opportunities, favours me with his company in the same manner; listening attentively to all my lessons, as he calls my cheerful discourses on serious subjects.

And now, my dear parents, do you not rejoice with me in this charming, charming appearance?  For, before I had the most generous, the most beneficent, the most noble, the most affectionate, but now I am likely to have the most pious, of husbands!  What a happy wife, what a happy daughter, is his and your Pamela!  God of his infinite mercy, continue and improve the ravishing prospect!

I was forced to leave off here, to enjoy the charming reflections, which this lovely subject, and my blessed prospects, filled me with; and now proceed to write a few lines more.

I am under some concern on account of our going to travel into some Roman Catholic countries, for fear we should want the public opportunities of divine service:  for I presume, the ambassador’s chapel will be the only Protestant place of worship allowed of, and Paris the only city in France where there is one.  But we must endeavour to make it up in our private and domestic duties:  for, as the phrase is—­“When we are at Rome, we must do as they do at Rome;” that is to say, so far as not to give offence, on the one hand, to the people we are among; nor scandal, on the other, by compliances hurtful to one’s conscience.  But my protector knows all these things so well (no place in what is called the grand tour, being new to him), that I have no reason to be very uneasy.

And now let me, by letter, as I did on my knees at parting, beg the continuance of your prayers and blessings, and that God will preserve us to one another, and give us, and all our worthy friends, a happy meeting again.

Kent, you may be sure, will be our first visit, on our return, for your sakes, for my dear Davers’s, and my little Pamela’s sake, who will be both put into your protection; while my Billy, and Miss Goodwin (for, since I began this letter, it is so determined), are to be my delightful companions; for Mr. B. declared, his temper wants looking after, and his notices of every thing are strong and significant.

Poor little dear! he has indeed a little sort of perverseness and headstrongness, as one may say, in his will:  yet he is but a baby, and I hope to manage him pretty well; for he notices all I say, and every look of mine already.—­He is, besides, very good humoured, and willing to part with anything for a kind word:  and this gives me hopes of a docile and benevolent disposition, as he grows up.

I thought, when I began the last paragraph but one, that I was within a line of concluding; but it is to you, and of my babies, I am writing; so shall go on to the bottom of this new sheet, if I do not directly finish:  which I do, with assuring you both, that wherever I am, I shall always be thoughtful of you, and remember you in my prayers, as becomes your ever dutiful daughter, P.B.

Project Gutenberg
Pamela, Volume II from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.