Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population.

Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population.

[Footnote 61:  Barr, Mental Defectives, p. 18.]

Of the strong inheritability of idiocy there can be no doubt.  Dr. Martin W. Barr of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble Minded Children has published an etiological table embodying the results of a careful examination of 4050 cases of mental defect.  Of these, 2651 or 65.45 per cent resulted from causes acting before birth, including 1030 or 25.43 per cent with a family history of idiocy and imbecility, and 529 more (13.06 per cent) with a family history of insanity, epilepsy and minor neuroses.  Dr. Barr gives many instances illustrating the heredity of imbecility, especially where both parents were imbeciles, and had imbecile relatives.  One case in particular forcibly illustrates the disastrous results of the marriage of such unfortunates.  It is taken from the reports of the Connecticut Lunacy Commission: 

In one instance, where a pauper female idiot lived in one town, the town authorities hired an idiot belonging to another town, and not then a pauper, to marry her, and the result has been that the town to which the male idiot belongs has for many years had to support the pair and the three idiot children.[62]

[Footnote 62:  Ibid., p. 99.]

Neuroses may remain latent for a generation and reappear in the grandchildren of the person affected, or the latent tendency may never reappear unless some disturbing factor such as scarletina, meningitis or other acute disease attacks the weak spot.  This possibility suggests that the influence of heredity may be vastly greater than the etiological tables would indicate.  The apparent causes may be only agents which assist in developing the evil really engendered by an inheritance of imbecility.

It is not at all certain that there is any well marked boundary line between genius and some forms of imbecility.  Many quite irresponsible idiots have marvelous verbal memories, and can repeat parrot-like, page after page of books of which they have no comprehension.  Dr. Barr tells of cases of prodigies, musical, mathematical and mechanical, who except in their specialty were almost totally deficient mentally.[63] Many of the world’s most brilliant musicians, mathematicians and even military leaders have been men of one-sided mental development, whose ability in other lines was so slight that they were little better than imbeciles, and it is not at all surprising that their children are sometimes truly idiotic.

[Footnote 63:  Barr, op. cit., p. 301 et seq.]

The best writers of the present day no longer recognize consanguinity as a cause per se, of idiocy.  The heredity of neuroses, however, is so strongly established that few would dispute the proposition that where the morbidity is inherited through both parents it appears more frequently and in a more marked degree than where one parent is entirely free from taint.  This is what occurs when a consanguineous marriage takes place between descendants of a neurotic family.  The percentage of idiotic children would then be somewhat higher from consanguineous marriages than from the average marriage purely through the action of the laws of heredity.

Project Gutenberg
Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.