Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
Sim, William, 192, 268. 
Sinclair, lord, 196.
——­ George, 159.
——­ Hew, 241, 242.
——­ Ja., of Roslin, 269.
——­ John, minister at Ormiston, 279.
——­ sir Robert, 213, 214 and n, 219-220, 222.
——­ Robert, 181, 182. 
Skene (Skein), J., 110 and n.
——­ sir James, of Curriehill, xi, 191.
——­ Thomas, advocate, 227.
——­ of Halzeards, 193. 
Smith, rev.  J., anecdote of, 127.
——­ Joannette, 280. 
Somervell, Arthur, 266, 275. 
Somnambulism, a cure for, 84. 
Sorcery, xxxviii, 45-46, 99, 204 and n
Southampton, earle of, 222. 
Southesk, carles of, 303. 
Spaniards, antipathy of the French to, 47-48;
     Spanish cruelty in the New-World, 98. 
Spanish Netherlands invaded by the French, 228. 
Spence, Jeremiah, forges a decreet, 220-221. 
Spittle, 192. 
Spot, 200, 209. 
Spotswood, Alexander, 213.
——­ ——­ of Crumstaine, advocate, 202;
     death of, 225.
——­ John, archbishop of St. Andrews, 139, 207. 
Sprage, Mr., 169. 
Spurius Carvilius, 116. 
Stainehill, near Edinburgh, 189. 
Stainfeild, sir Ja., 281. 
Stair, lord, president of the court of session, xxxi, xxxv and n,
       xxxvi n, 213, 214. 
Stanipmilne, 191. 
Steill, Pat, 265. 
Stevinson, Haddington, 200.
——­ D., 265.
——­ Jo., 262.
——­ William, 275.
——­ Dr., 186, 249. 
Stewart, John, of Ketleston, death of, 221.
——­ sir Lues, advocate, of Kirkhill, 193.
——­ Robert, marshal of France, 103.
——­ of Rossyth, 197. 
Stillingfleet, Mr., 174. 
Stirling, rev.  David, 195.
——­ rev.  Robert, 183. 
Strachan ——­ regent at Aberdeen, 42.
——­ sir J., 176.
——­ William, advocate, death of, 225.
——­ Mr., 2, 3.
——­ Mlle, 128. 
Strafford, earle of, 230. 
Stranaver, lady, 201. 
Street cries, 40, 68, 99. 
Sutherland, James, treasurer of Edinburgh, 278.
——­ Will., 262, 266, 268, 270. 
Suty, John, 30. 
Swearing, punishment of, 60. 
Swine, 77. 
Swinton, Alexander, advocate, 215, 221.
——­ of Brunston, 26 and n
Sword ——­, provost of Aberdeen, 109. 
Swynish abbey, 186. 
Sydserfe, 203.
——­ Tom, his Tarugoes Wiles, 174-175 and n.

Tailfours of Reidheues, 191. 
Tantallon (Tomtallon), 203, 210. 
Tarbet, laird of, 196. 
Taringzean, 205. 
Temple, Arthur, 271.
——­ lands in Edinburgh, 192. 
Tennent, skipper, 281. 
Terinean, in Carrick, 302. 
Test act, xxxii-xxxv. 
Thanes of Collie, 304. 
Theft, punishment of, 70. 
Thiget burn.  See Figgate burn. 
Thirlestan, 8 and n, 132. 
Thoires, David, advocate, 223;
     sent to prison and fined, 213. 
Thomson, George, of Touch, 196, 204, 288.
——­ Thomas, xiii, xix-xx.
——­ sir Thomas, 190. 
Thomsone, sir William, 168, 305. 
Thornetounloch, 200. 
Thorniedykes, 210. 
Thunder, bell-ringing during, 49-51. 

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.