Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Radegonde, Ste., 34;
     legend of, 35;
     tomb of, 56. 
Raith, the, Kirkcalcly, 196.
——­ of Edmonston, 188 and n
Ramsay, sir Andrew, lord Abbotshall, lord provost of Edinburgh, xxii,
       xxxiv-xxxvi, 109 n, 195, 249, 251, 267, 269, 272, 274, 279,
       281, 284, 287, 293-298;
     made a lord of session, 217;
    a member of the privy council, 225;
    letter from Lauder on the character and career of, 300;
    extract on, from sir George Mackenzie’s Memoirs, 308-309. 
Ramsay, sir Andrew, of Wauchton, 283, 308.
——­ lady Wauchton, 250.
——­ Andrew, professor of theology at Saumur and afterwards
     rector of Edinburgh university, 199, 206, 301, 303-304 and n.
——­ sir Charles, of Balmayn, 304.
——­ David, 109.
——­ ——­ of Balmayn, 304.
——­ George, lord, 206.
——­ Grissell, 241, 255, 257, 258.
——­ sir James, of Whythill, advocate, death of, 223.
——­ Janet, wife of lord Fountainhall, xxii.
——­ sir John, of Balmayn, afterwards earl of Bothwell, 200, 203-207.
——­ John, keiper of the register of homings, death of, 219.
——­ ——­ minister of Markinch, 197.
——­ Margaret, 258.
——­ Mathew, 262, 271.
——­ Patrick, 112 and n, 278.
——­ William, earle of Fife, 197, 206.
——­ ——­ of Balmayne, 303.
——­ ——­ 244, 265, 271, 272, 306.
——­ of Balmayne, 239.
——­ of Corston, 205, 206.
——­ of Fawsyde, 100.
——­ of Idington, 200 and n, 241, 243, 287.
——­ of Nunlands, 202.
——­ colonel, 246.
——­ 205. 
Ramsays in Fife, 206. 
Raploch, laird of, 281. 
Ratho, 192. 
Razin, Stenka, rebellion of, 229. 
Reidbraes, 202. 
Reidfuird, lord. See Foulis, James, of Colinton. 
Reidhall, 191. 
Reidhouse, 208. 
Reidop, 194. 
Reidpeth, George, 239. 
Relics at the convent of Marmoustier, 19-20. 
Renton, 200, 209.
——­ lord. See Hume, sir John.
——­ of Billie, 201. 
Rentons’ claim on Coldingham, 209-210. 
Restalrig castle, 187;
     chapel, 190. 
Revenscraig, 207. 
Revensheuch, 196. 
Revenues of the king of France, 110. 
Riccarton, 191, 194. 
Richelieu town and castle, description of, 25-27, 44, 157.
——­ cardinal, 28, 91. 
Richison, lady Smeton, 193. 
Riddles, 80, 103-105. 
Rigs of Carberrie, 190. 
Robertson, George, keiper of the register of hornings, 219.
——­ Thomas, treasurer of Edinburgh, 240, 255, 256, 268, 276. 
Robison of the Cheynes (Sciennes), 188. 
Rocheid, sir James, 306. 
Roman catholics, penal laws against, xxvi, xxvii;
     troublesome citizens, xxix. 
Rome, brothels of, 83;
     Scots college at, 84;
     customs of, 116. 
Ross, bishop of, his mission on behalf of James II., 198 and n.
——­ lord, 224.
——­ Daniel, 241.
——­ James, advocate, death of, 224. 
Rothes, earl of, xxxvi, 176, 196 n, 207, 306. 

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.