Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
Orange trees, 89. 
Oriel college, Oxford, 172. 
Orleans, 8;
     festival of the maid of, 9-11;
     the fete de Dieu at, 11;
     drinking customs of, 133.
——­ duke of, statue of, at Blois, 18. 
Ormond, duke of, 58. 
Orrery, lord, 2 and n
Osborne’s Advice to a Son, 99 and n
Oswald, Alex., advocate, death of, 212. 
Otterburne of Reidhall, 203, 207. 
Oxbridge. See Uxbridge. 
Oxford and its library, 169-170;
     its colleges, 171-173.

Painston ——­, 251, 263, 265. 
Paipes of Walafield, 190. 
Paisley (Pasley) town and abbey, 184. 
Pancerolli’s Vetera Deperdita, 99 and n
Papists, effects of thunder on, 51. 
Parma, the duke of, and the Jesuits, 86. 
Partenay, 64. 
Passive obedience, 140. 
Paterson, George, 258, 270, 277.
——­ rev.  John, 195.
——­ Thomas, 177, 180, 269.
——­ William, 163, 272. 
Pathhead or Pittintillun, 196. 
Patrick, St., Irish respect for, 134. 
Paxtoun, 202. 
Peager, madame, 128. 
Peirs, Mary, 267. 
Penmansheills, 209. 
Penny weddings, 124, 242, 265, 275, 276. 
Pentherer ——­, 251. 
Peppermilne, near Edinburgh, 188. 
Peres de l’oratoire, 10, 13, 42. 
Petition to the court of session, 181. 
Philip II. of Spain, anecdotes of, 150. 
Phrygian language, antiquity of, 81. 
Physick garden, Oxford, 173. 
Pies, the, near Cockburnspath, 200. 
Pilans, James, 186. 
Pinkie, battle of, 190.
——­ house, near Musselburgh, 189. 
Pitcairne ——­, 205. 
Pitmedden.  See Seton. 
Pittedy, Fife, 196. 
Pleughlands, Edinburgh, 187. 
Poictiers, 29;
     street cries of, 40, 68;
     anecdote of the bishop of, 60-61;
     Jesuit college at, 77;
     lawyers in, 90;
     crime in, 95. 
Poictou, governor of the province of, 57;
     the practice of torture in, 70. 
Pollock, Mr., 269. 
Popish plot, xxviii. 
Porrock, Henry, 251. 
Port de Pilles, 129. 
Porterstoune, 216. 
Portraiture in France, 109. 
Portsmouth, dutchesse of, xli. 
Portues, Patrick, 8, 156. 
Preistfield, 188. 
Preston of Bouncle, 200.
——­ sir Robert, of that ilk, xxxv n, 219, 224. 
Prestons of Craigmillar, 188. 
Primogeniture, law of, in France, 90, 143. 
Primrose, sir Archibald, of Elphinston, 190, 193 and n, 225-227. 
Pringle, Mr., of Yair, xiii.
——­ Walter, advocate, 221, 252, 275, 276;
     suspension of, 226. 
Productiveness of France, 89. 
Protestants, marriages of, in France, 79. 
Proverbs, 143-144, 146, 148. 
Psammeticus, king of Egypt, and the origin of language, 81. 
Puddock stools, cooking of, 76. 
Purves, William, 140.

Quarrier, Pat, 245. 
Queen’s college, Oxford, 172. 
Queinsberry, earle of, 224. 
Quinkerstaines, 202.

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.