Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
215, 223, 233.
     death of, 224. 
Logans of Restalrig, 187. 
Loire, inundations of the, 20-21. 
London tower, 1. 
Loudun, the devils of, 77. 
Louis XIII., statue of, in Paris, 5;
     statue and portraits of, at Richelieu castle, 25-27;
     a gunmaker, 57;
     heightens the gold and silver of foreign nations, 80. 
Louis XIV., as a drummer, 57. 
Lovain, universities of, 204. 
Loyola, Ignatius, sermon on, 30-31. 
Lufnes, 203, 210. 
Lumsdean, Charles, 268, 296. 
Lundie, rev.  James, 195.
——­ of that ilk, 196-197. 
Lundy, Mr., minister at Dysert, 272. 
Lylle, William, advocate, death of, 212. 
Lyon, rev.  Gilbert, 195.
——­ Patrick, 221, 249.

Macbean, Mr., xv, xviii, xxi. 
Macduff clan, 197, 206. 
Macfud ——­, 208. 
M’Gill, Alex., 279, 280.
——­ of Fingask, 204.
——­ of Rumgaye, 207. 
M’Gills of Kemnock, 207. 
Mackenzie, sir George, lord advocate, xxvii, xxxvi, xxxviii, 181, 226.
——­ Roderick, 181. 
Maclucas, Colin, 185. 
Macquare, Robert, 115, 139 and n
Madertie, lord, 208. 
Madmen, anecdotes of, 87. 
Madrid, near Paris, 5. 
Magdalen bridge, near Musselburgh, 188 and n
Maid of Orleans, festival of, 9-11. 
Mainart, lord, 222. 
Maitland, Charles, lord Halton, 191 n, 192 n, 208, 221, 227.
——­ Richard, of Pitreichy, 218.
——­ family, 192. 
Malcolm of Babedie, 196. 
Maps, price of, 264, 287. 
Mar, earle of, 224, 302. 
March, earle of, 203. 
Marior, Joseph, 2. 
Marjoribanks, 203. 
Markinch (Markins), 197. 
Marmoustier, convent at, 18. 
Marriage ceremonies, 99
     marriages of protestants in France, 79
     marriage laws of France, 65, 77. 
Marseilles, 64. 
Martin, St., celebration of, 100, 101;
     relics of, 19.
——­ Robert, justice clerk-depute, 219, 225. 
Mary, St., of Loretto, 188 n.
——­ Magdalen, St., nunnery of, at the Sciennes, 188. 
Masterton ——­, 262, 263. 
Maule, Mr., xix. 
Mawer, Mrs., 265. 
May island, 203. 
Mazarin, cardinal, 5, 63. 
Meadowbank, lord, xiii. 
Mede, Joseph, theory of, on the peopling of America, 197. 
Megget, Jo., 258. 
Mein, Mr., 5.
——­ Patrick, 3.
——­ Robert, 250, 256, 257. 
Meinzeis, rev.  John, 231. 
Meiren, col., 185. 
Melvill, lord, 196.
——­ family, 203. 
Melvines of Touch, 204. 
Mendoza’s Histoire ... de la Chine, 105. 
Mensen, Henry, 280
Merton college, Oxford, 171 and n, 173. 
Metellan, Mr., 168. 
Meung, 18. 
Mexico, founding of the kingdom of, 198. 
Middleton, earl of, xli, 174. 
Midlothian militia, 189. 
Migill.  See M’Gill. 
Milne, rev.  Mr., 183. 
Milton’s Iconoclastes, 116. 
Minimes, order of, 9, 10, 86. 
Miracles performed at the cradle of St. Hilaire, 56. 
Mitchell, Jo., 268.
——­ William, 22, 250, 257. 

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.