Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
     at Hamilton, 185;
     returns home, 186;
     excursions in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, 187-194;
     his marriage; birth of his son John, and his
       daughters Jannet and Isobell, 195;
     his tour through Fife, 195-197;
     in Haddingtonshire and Berwickshire, 200-204, 208-211;
     notes of journeys in Scotland in 1671-72, 205-207;
     notes of his expenditure, 153-163;
     arrives at London, 167;
     at Oxford, 169;
     admitted advocate, xxii, 181-182, 212;
     his marriage, xxii-xxiii, 195;
     appointed advocate for the poor, 223;
     his fees for consultations, 257-258;
     appointed assessor of Edinburgh, 212, 308;
     assessor for the convention of royal burrows, 281;
     his gift of books to the library of the university of Edinburgh, 289;
     letter from, to his son, on sir Andrew Ramsay, lord
       Abbots-hall, 300-308;
     catalogue of his books, 153, 157, 160-162, 283-299.
——­ sir Lues, 191.
——­ Richard, of Hatton, 191 and n, 192 and n, 193, 212.
——­ Robert, 222, 245, 251, 269, 270.
——­ sir Thomas Dick, his correspondence with sir Walter Scott
     on the publishing of Fountainhall’s MSS., xi-xxii.
——­ William, 242, 245.
——­ of the Bass, 202 n.
——­ sergeant, 185.
——­ Mr., 168. 
Lauders, murder of, xxi. 
Lauderdale, 179. 
Lauderdale, John, earl of, 192.
——­ ——­ duke of, xxxi and n, xxxv, n, 26 n,
     168, 189, 203, 213-215, 219-222, 232, 303, 306-308.
——­ duchess of, 215, 306, 307.
——­ Richard, earl of, 192.
——­ colonel, 189. 
Lauds, Ja., 242. 
Laurenceland, 200.
——­ laird of. See Henderson. 
Law of Brunton, 197. 
Law, essay on the study of, 137 and n
Laws and customs of France, 64-65, 74, 77, 87. 
Lawyers’ fees in France, 90. 
Le Berche, Mr., 13, 123-124, 157. 
Leidingtoune, 200. 
Leighton, Robert, archbishop of Dunblane, afterwards of Glasgow, 214, 231. 
Leirmonts of Dairsie, 207. 
Leith citadel, purchase of, 305, 308. 
Leny (Leine), near Edinburgh, 193.
Lepanthe (le) de Jacques VI., 82. 
Lery, Jean de, 94 and n
Leslie, Fife, 197, 205. 
Lesly, bishop of the Isles, anecdote of, 64.
——­ Patrick, 276. 
Leuchie, 203. 
Levine, earl of, 196, 201. 
Levinston, Dr., 186. 
Liberton, 187, 188. 
Lindsay, Henry, 258. 
Linktoune, Kirkcaldy, 195. 
Linlithgow palace, 182 and n
Lintlands, 200. 
Linton bridges, 202. 
Lithgow, lord, 194. 
Little, William, provost of Edinburgh, 187.
——­ ——­ of Over Libberton, 187. 
Lo ——­, professor of music in Oxford 168, 172, 173. 
Lochlevin castle, 197. 
Lockhart, sir George, xxx, xxxvii, 212, 222, 224, 276, 308.
——­ sir James, of Lee, lord justice clerk, 185 and n, 218, 219;
     death of, 223.
——­ colonel sir William, of Lee,
Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.