Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
Gosford, 211.
——­ lord, 212, 213. 
Gouffier, Guillaume, admiral, 63 n
Gourlay, H., 265. 
Gourlaybank, 202. 
Govan, Robt., 259. 
Gowrie, earl of, 203.
——­ conspiracy anecdote, 199. 
Grahame, Mr., 30, 35, 132, 153, 160, 161.
——­ Hary, 252. 
Grange, Fife, 196.
——­ laird of. See Dick, William. 
Grant, major George, 184. 
Gray, lord, 303.
——­ James, of Eistfeild, 193.
——­ Mr., a converted papist, 268. 
Gruche, de, 128, 160. 
Guise, duke of, 18. 
Gunsgrein, 210, 250. 
Gustavus Adolphus, anecdote of, 150. 
Guthry, rev.  James, 141.
——­ laird of, 258.
——­ Mrs., 239.

Haddington, Thomas Hamilton, earl of, 188 and n, 208, 274.
——­ abbey of, 200. 
Hailes, lord. See Dalrymple, sir David. 
Haliburton, James, 256, 260, 262, 263, 265. 
Haliburtons of Fentontour, 203. 
Halidoun hill, 202. 
Halkerton, lord. See Falconer, Alexander. 
Hall, Dr., 2. 
Halzeards, 193. 
Hamilton, Alexander, 247, 283.
——­ ——­ justice clerk depute, death of, 219.
——­ Henry, 162, 168.
——­ James, duke of, 177, 185, 226, 304, 306.
——­ ——­ 212.
——­ ——­ advocate, death of, 223.
——­ ——­ clerk of session, death of, 222, 225.
——­ Marie, 260.
——­ Mary, 279.
——­ Patrick, of Dalserf, 258, 261, 292.
——­ Robert, 212, 226, 266.
——­ Thomas. See Haddington, earl of.
——­ sir William, a lord of session and lord provost of Edinburgh, 218.
——­ of Dechmond, 193.
——­ of Eleiston, 194.
——­ of Orbiston, 184.
——­ Mr., 2, 3, 239. 
Happers of Bourhouses, 200. 
Hardins, D., 175. 
Hartsyde, dame Margaret, 207. 
Haswal, Isabell, 178. 
Hatfield house, 176. 
Hatton, 191.
——­ house, 192-193. 
Haukerstone, 216. 
Hay, Archibald, 132.
——­ sir George, of Nethercliff, 215 and n.
——­ Harie, 187.
——­ sir John, provost of Edinburgh, 218.
——­ John, principal clerk of session, 225.
——­ Thomas, 212, 225, 243, 275.
——­ William, of Butterdean, 200, 209.
——­ Dr., 213. 
Haychester, 210. 
Haymouth. See Eyemouth. 
Helene, Ste., chapel dedicated to, at Auldcambus, 210. 
Hendersone, James, 269.
——­ William, bibliothecar in the colledge of Edenbrugh, 292, 297.
——­ of Laurenceland, 200.
——­ Mr., 239. 
Henry III. of France, 91. 
Henry IV. of France, 4, 91, 103, 108;
     anecdote of, 133. 
Hepburn, 203.
——­ Adam. See Bothwell, earl of. 
Hepburnes of Wauchton, 202. 
Heriot of Ramorney, 206. 
Heriot’s hospital, dog of, hanged for refusing the test, xxxii. 
Hermistone, 200. 
Herrings, exportation of, 219. 
Heuch-Home, 203. 
Hewes, D., 160. 
Hilary, St., legend of, 37;
     tradition relating to St. Hilaire and the devil, 56;
     miracles wrought by the cradle of, 56. 
Hilton of Huttonhall, 202. 
Hog, Ja., 256. 

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.