Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
Drodden. See Dryden. 
Drummond of Reidop, 194.
——­ of Riccarton, 194.
——­ Alex., 295. 
Drummond, generall-major, 224.
——­ bailyie, 253. 
Drumshorling moore, 186, 194. 
Dryden (Drodden), 187. 
Duaren, Francois, 66 and n
Du Bartas’s Divine Weeks, 82 and n
Dudinstone, Edinburgh, 190. 
Dumbarton castle, 184. 
Dumfries, earle of, 226. 
Dunbar, earle of, oppressor of the Craws, 210.
——­ lordship of, 200. 
Duncan of Ratho, 192. 
Duncombe, sir John, 222. 
Dundas, Wm., 297.
——­ of that ilk, 193. 
Dundasses of Fingask, 204. 
Dunfermline, 189.
——­ Alex., earle of. See Seton.
——­ Charles, earle of, death of, 219, 223. 
Dunkirk, sale of, 234. 
Dunybirsell. See Donibristle. 
Durhame of Lufnes, 210. 
Durie of that ilk, 197, 207. 
Du Serre’s Histoire, 82 and n, 108 and n
Dutch fleet, defeat of, 234-236.
——­ language, antiquity of, 81. 
Dysert salt pans, 196;
     coal pits, 207.

East Lothian militia, 275. 
Ecclesiastical revenues of France, 86. 
Edencraw, 201. 
Edgar, Edward, 113. 
Edinburgh’s bond of assurance with the laird of Halton, 192;
     dissensions among the trades of, 305.
——­ university, removal of, to Linlithgow, 112 and n;
     gift of books to the library from Lauder, 289. 
Edmiston of that ilk, 188. 
Edmond, colonel sir William, 150 and n
Edringtone, 202. 
Eggs, price of, 97. 
Eistbarnes, 200. 
Eistfeild, 193.
——­ laird of. See Gray, James. 
Eleis, John, 29, 1O2, 194, 251, 274.
——­ ——­ advocate, suspension of, 226. 
Eleiston. See Illieston. 
Elibank, lord, 208. 
Elphinston, 190, 200, 203
——­ lady, 215.
——­ lord, 192 n
Elsick, lady, 179. 
Errol, estate of, 208. 
Erskin, Arthur, 207.
——­ Jean, 192.
——­ of Innerteill, 196. 
Estampes, 131 and n
Ethelstanefield, 203 and n
Ethie, earl of, 14 and n
Excommunication, moderate use of, 79. 
Execution of a criminal in France, 119. 
Expenses, notes of, 153-163;
     expenditure in London, 180. 
Eyemouth (Haymouth), 210.

Fabritius, general, anecdote of, 116. 
Falconer, Alexander, lord Halkerton, death of, 215-217.
——­ sir David, of Newton, advocate, 213, 225, 275.
——­ Mr., 240. 
Farlies of Braid, 186. 
Fast kept by protestant churches of Poictiers, 88. 
Faustus, verses of, at Blois, 130. 
Fawsyde, near Tranent, 190, 203.
——­ James, 286. 
Fentontour, 203. 
Ferolme, Jo., of Craigiehall, 193. 
Fete de Dieu, 11. 
Fife, earl of. See Ramsay. 
Figgate burn, near Edinburgh, 188. 
Filleau, M., 113, 124. 
Finglassie, 205. 
Fireworks at Saumur, 23. 
Fish as French food, 61. 
Fleming, James, 192.
——­ sir William, 191. 
Fletcher, sir Androw, of Abirlady, 200, 210.

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.