Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
——­ Joan, 276. 
Chamberlayne, Joseph, barber, 267. 
Chambord castle, 18. 
Champigny, 25. 
Chancellor, Kate, 263. 
Chapman of Priestfield, 188. 
Charles IX., anecdote of, 147. 
Charles I., murder of, 91. 
Charles II., his object in desiring the union of England and
       Scotland, 229-230;
     letter from, for indulging outed
       ministers; establishment of his supremacy, 230;
     settles the disputes between the houses of parliament, 232;
     his debts paid by parliament, 233;
     grant of money to, by parliament, 273 n;
     eulogy on, xxvii. 
Charleton, Richard, 59. 
Charteris, Laurence, advocate, 221;
     death of, 226. 
Chartreuse, founding of the order of, 78-79. 
Chatelerault, 64. 
Cheisly, John, of Dairy, xxxiv, 277.
——­ Sam., 261.
——­ William, 219. 
Cherries, 66, 69:  cherry feast to the exchequer, 266. 
Chilperick, treatment of, 91. 
Chimney-sweeps from Savoy, 75. 
China, fertility of, 105-106. 
Chinon, 24. 
Chirnesyde, 201. 
Christ church, Oxford, 171. 
Christina, queen of Sweden, anecdote of, 151. 
Chrystie, Mr., 284.
——­ Adam, clerk of session, 215. 
Civil law of France, 64-65. 
Clan Macduff, 197, 206. 
Clarendon house, 168 and n
Clarke’s Examples 108. 
Classics, pronunciation of the, 123. 
Clerical anecdotes, 52, 114, 115, 120, 126-128, 142, 148. 
Clerk, sir Alex., of Balbirny, 205. 
Clery, 130. 
Cleveland, dutchesse of, 233. 
Clifford, lord, treasurer of England, 222. 
Clifton hall, 186, 193.
——­ toune, 193. 
Climate of France, 117. 
Cluny, barony of, 205. 
Coal pits of Dysert, 207. 
Coalston pear, the, 200 and n
Cochrane, lord, 184, 226. 
Cockburne of Clerkingtone, 200. 
Cockenie, 203, 211. 
Coinage, heightening of gold and silver coinage of foreign nations, 80.
     See also Money. 
Colbrandspath, 200.
——­ laird of, 209. 
Coldinghame abbey, 209.
——­ kirk, 210.
——­ moor, 209. 
Colerine, 197. 
Colison, Mr., 2. 
Colquhoun, sir John, of Luz, 184. 
Colt, Mr., 3. 
Columbus, anecdote of, 97. 
Colvill, Samuel, 266, 287. 
Colyear, David, 251, 272, 275, 276. 
Comedies played at Poictiers, 124, 127
Comets, appearance of, xxxix. 
Comiston well, 274. 
Congilton, 208. 
Conspiracy laws, hardships of, 91. 
Constantine the emperor, statue of, 56. 
Consultation fees, 257, 258, 260. 
Convent of Marmoustier, 18-20;
     of the Bernardines, 47;
     at St. Florans, 22;
    of Notre Dame d’Ardiliers, 23 and n
Conventicles, laws against, 233. 
Convention of burrows at Glasgow, 281. 
Cook, Mr., 231. 
Cooking in France, 76, 79. 
Cordeliers, order of, 9, 86. 
Coronation stone, 1. 
Cothereau, Renatus, 117. 
Cotibby, M., 128. 
Cotteridge, Mr., 233. 
Court of session, constitution of, xxxiv-xxxv;
Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.