Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
——­ castle of, 185. 
Boumaker, Robert, 256. 
Bouquiet, Mr., 34. 
Bourges, 65;
     university of, 66. 
Bourhouses, 200. 
Boyde, Hew, 246. 
Boyelet, Mr., merchant at Orleans, 153. 
Brackmont, 207. 
Braid burn, Edinburgh, 188. 
Brandenburgh, duke of, xxxvii. 
Brazennose college, Oxford, 173. 
Bread, price of, 59. 
Breda, peace of, 167 and n
Bridal gifts, 60. 
Bridgeman, sir Orlando, 221. 
Brisbane, Mrs., xxxi. 
Brothels in Rome, defence of, 83. 
Broun of Colston, 200 and n.
——­ of Gorgie, 191.
——­ of Thorniedykes, 210.
——­ pere, 118.
——­ Daniel, 185.
——­ John, 280.
——­ Thomas, 267, 269, 270, 281, 283, 287, 289, 291, 293.
——­ William, 108, 250, 256, 257, 264, 281, 290, 291. 
Brace, rev.  Mr., of Fife, anecdote of, 148. 
Brimstone, 26 and n, 188, 190. 
Bruntilland. See Burntisland. 
Brunton, 197. 
Bryson, Sandy, 270. 
Buchanan, George, 139; his Frantiscanus, 10 and n;
     criticism of his History, 205, 206.
——­ sir John, 206, 207. 
Buck, Thomas, advocate, death of, 222. 
Burgundy, duke of, 84. 
Burnet, Alexander, archbishop of Glasgow, xxxvii;
     his remonstrance with Charles II., 230.
——­ D., 168.
——­ Robert, advocate, death of, 212. 
Burntisland, 197, 279. 
Butterdean, 200.
——­ laird of. See Hay, William. 
Byres, 208, 209.

CADDEL, captain, 132. 
Calder, 186.
——­ lairds of, 192. 
Calderhall, laird of, 189, 192. 
Calderwood, Thomas, 185.
——­ bailzie, 283, 284. 
Callender, earl of, 183. 
Calvin, John, tradition of, 36. 
Camelon, king of the Picts, 182. 
Camnetham, laird of, 281. 
Campbell of Blythswood, 183 n.
——­ Archibald, 193.
——­ ——­ advocate, death of, 215.
——­ Barbara, 185.
——­ sir Colin, 220 and n.
——­ James, 185.
——­ Mary, 274.
——­ Robert, 185.
——­ ——­ apothecar, 272. 
Camron, Archbald, 247, 256, 276. 
Candie, tounc of, taken by the Turks, 228. 
Cants of Grange, 188.
——­ of Priestfield, 188. 
Capuchins, order of, 9, 10, 33, 86;
     anecdotes of, 62, 148. 
Carberrie, 203.
——­ laird of, his influence on the battle of Pinkie, 190. 
Carden, lord, death of, 212. 
Carington, laird of, 308.
——­ lands of, 239 n, 248. 
Carmelites, order of, 61. 
Carmichael, master of, 185. 
Carnegie, Katharine, 303.
——­ James, 274.
——­ sir Robert, of Kinnaird, 303. 
Carthusians, 10. 
Caskieberry, 205.
——­ laird of. See Shoneir. 
Cassilton, 203, 210. 
Castellaw, Mr., 3. 
Castlemilk, 185. 
Catechism of M. Drelincourt, 86. 
Catherine, St., of Sienna, convent of, 188 n
Ceres (Cires), 207. 
Chabate, Mile., 128. 
Chabot, Philippe de, 63 and n
Chained books at Oxford, 170. 
Chalmers, James, advocate, death of, 225.

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.