Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
Bale’s Sarro-Sancto Regum Maiestas, 140. 
Balfour, laird of, 207.
——­ of Balbirny, 205.
——­ sir David, of Forret, 223, 224. 
Balgonie, 196, 203. 
Ballantyne, Andro, minister at Coldinghame, 210. 
Ballincreiff, 208. 
Balliol college, Oxford, 173. 
Balmanno, lord, 215. 
Balmayne, 205, 302.
——­ laird of. See Ramsay. 
Balmerinoch, lord, 190, 193. 
Balquharge, 205. 
Balveirie, Fife, 196. 
Banished ministers’ manifesto, 139 and n., 142. 
Bannatyne club, institution of the, xviii. 
Bannochie, 196. 
Barclay ——­, 197. 
Barnbougall, 193. 
Barnes. See Cunningham. 
Bartholomew, St., 52. 
Baruclan, 193. 
Bass, the, xvi, 203, 309. 
Beaton, Alexander, 191.
——­ Andrew, advocate, death of, 220.
——­ William, 256.
——­ of Blebo, 207. 
Beatons of Balfour, 196. 
Beaufort, the duc de, kilted at the siege of Candy, 229. 
Beaugency, 18. 
Beconsfields, 168. 
Bedlam, 174. 
Bedlan Green, 175. 
Bell, Adam, 201.
——­ Androw, 269.
——­ John, 185.
——­ Robert, 243, 251, 265.
——­ Thomas, 239, 287.
——­ family, origin of the name, 208. 
Bellenden, lord, 215.
——­ of Broughton, 191. 
Bell-ringing during thunder, 49-51;
     for the last agonies, 59. 
Bels milne, 191. 
Beltan, 203, 205. 
Benedictine friars, 10,
     convent of, at Marmoustier, 19;
     convent at Poictiers, 36;
     wealth of the order, 86. 
Bernard, St., abbot of Clareville, 52. 
Bernardines. See Fullions. 
Beroalde de Verville, Francois, 103 and n.
Bever castle, 176. 
Biccarton of Lufnes, 210. 
Bickerstaffe, sir Charles, 221. 
Binnie, 193.
——­ laird of, 186.
——­ bailzie, 264. 
Binning, William, 245, 251, 263. 
Biron, duc de, 77 and n. 
Biton, madame, 39. 
Blacader of that ilk, 201. 
Blacarstoun, 200. 
Black.  Jo., 279. 
Blackbarrony, laird of, 279. 
Blackford burn, Edinburgh, 188. 
Blackfriars church in Glasgow struck by lightning, 228. 
Blaickburne, 200. 
Blaikerston, 210. 
Blair of Carberrie, 190. 
Blair, rev.  Robert, anecdote of, 127. 
Blanerne, 201. 
Blantyre, lord, 185. 
Blasphemy, punishment of, 60. 
Blind men, anecdotes of, 132. 
Blois, 17,
     description of, 18,
     castle of, 130. 
Blythswood, 185. 
Bodley, Thomas, 170. 
Bogie, 196, 205.
——­ of Bannochie, 196. 
Bonar, Jo., of Bonytoun, 194. 
Bonnevette, 63. 
Bonnymoon ——­, 174. 
Bonytoun, 192-194. 
Books, catalogues of, 153, 157, 160-162, 283-299. 
Bordeaux, 64;
     torture practised in, 70. 
Borseau, M., 128, 160. 
Borthwick, James, 268.
——­ Samuell, 268.
——­ William, apothccar, 250.
——­ col., 168. 
Boswel of Balmuto, 197.
——­ of Pittedy, 196.
——­ of Westmilne, 195. 
Bothwell ——­, 203.
——­ Adam Hepburne, earle of, 205.
——­ earls of. See Ramsay.
Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.