The following books to the number of 13.
15 I receaved from my Lord Abotshall in October 1677,
because he had
doubles of them as we inventar’d his books,
some of them I had myselfe
Imprimis, a Latin and French bible in
2. The Review of the councell of
3. Bacon’s resuscitatio 2’d
[4. Swinnock’s Christian Man’s
given back to the Librarie.
5. Rosinus Romanae Antiquitates.
6. Goodwyns Moyses and Aaron.
[7. Ja. Colvill’s Grand
Impostor discovered.][719]
having another I gave this
to Mr. Alexr. Drummond
8. Sympson’s compend of the
ten persecutions.
9. Brinsley’s Ludus literarius.
10. Hooll’s grammatica Latino
11. Acts of parliament in 1669.
12. Milton’s Paradise Lost
13. Hudibras mock poem.
14. Caesars commentaries in English.
15. Arcandam upon the constellations.
16. Adam out of Eden on planting.
[719] Erased in MS.
A mesme temps je empruntee l’usage de ces sept
livres suivans de lui pour
les rendre quand il les demandoit.
Imprimis Rutherfuird’s Lex Rex.
2. Wiseman’s law of laws, etc.
3. The accomplish’t Atturney.
4. Natalis comitis mythologiae.
5. Stephanus praeparative to his
apologie for Herodote.
6. Imagines mortis et medicina animae.
7. Dom Huarto’s triall of wits.
The 3 following French books ware about that same
tyme gifted me by Rot.
Keith of Craig.
Imprimis, Mr. Wicquefort’s Memoires
touchant ambassadeurs et les
ministres publiques.
2. Histoire de la Reyne Christine
de Suede.
3. Lettre sur la campaigne en Flandre,
For the art to make love,
12 pence.
For the countermine against the presb.,
3 shils. stg.
From John Nicol bought on the 18 Dec’ris
the 6 following books.
Bodinus de daemonomania majorum,
2 marks.
Hall’s Cases of Conscience,
14 pence.
Walker against Socinianisme,
12 pence.
Juvenalis et Persius cum notis Farnab.,
10 pence.
Sylvestri summa summarum,
2 dollars.
Scapulae Lexicon Graeco-Latinum,
2 dollars.
Drusius de tribus-sectis Judeorum,
20 pence.
Item, the book of fortune,
20 pence.
Vincent on Christ’s Appearance at
the Day of Judgement, ij pence.
Antonii Mornacii observationes ad pandectas
ad Codicem, in 3 tomes in
folio, at 22 shillings
sterl. the tome,
40 lb. Scots.
Gerardus Joan: Wossius de Historicis
Latinis, 4 lb. Scots.