Farnabij judex Rhetoricus,
13 pence.
Cypriani Regneri Censura Belgica juris canonici, 3 shills. sterl.
For Platonis opera omnia 3 tomes, 6 shills. sterl.
For a book containing some sermons of Mr.
William Struthers anent true happines; item
a defensative against the poyson of supposed
prophecies, Peters complaint, etc., 2 merks.
The first three parts of the famed romance Cleopatra.
11 or 12 litle paper books all wrytten with my oune hand
on miscellany subjects anno 1675 besydes many things
then wryt be me in other books and papers.
Reiffenbergij Orationes politicae, etc., 15 pence.
Memoires of the reigne of Lowis the 14 of France.
Doctorum aliquot virorum vivae effigies
ad numerum 38, 3 shillings sterl.
Luciani opera quae extant omnia gifted me by my client
Mr. Patrick Hamilton of Dalserf. I had some of his
Dialogues by themselfes in a book apart of before.
For a treatise of maritime affairs, 5 shillings and 6 pence.
The case of the bankers and their creditors stated
and examined, 2 shills. sterl.
Shaftesbury and Buckinghames Speeches in October and
November 1675 with the letter to a friend about the
test against dissenters from the Church, 3 shill. and 6 pence.
For Robertj Baillij opus historicum, 4 shillings and 6 pence.
For Le Grands Man without passion or wise stoick, 28 pence.
For William Pens lnglands interest discovered
with honor to the prince, 12 pence.
For a treatise of human reason, 8 pence.
For observations upon it, 8 pence.
Vide Hobs infra in 1680.
Gassendi Exercitationes adversus Aristoteleos, item de
vita et moribus Epicuri, item L’Aunoy de varia
Aristotelis fortuna in Academia Parisiensi, all
bound togither, stood me, 3 shills. sterl.
Kirkwoods Grammatica Latina, 8 pence.
Mitchells Answer to Barclay the Quakers angrie pamphlet, 11 pence.
Chevreau’s Mirror of fortune, 28 pence.
John Bona’s Guide to Aeternity, 20 pence.
A Rebuke to informers and a plea for nonconformists
and their meitings, a shilling.
A. Couleys poemes and works, 13 shil. ster.
Boyls Seraphick love, 18 pence.
Item, his Excellency of theology above Naturall Philosophy, 30 pence.
His Considerationes concerning the stile
Cypriani Regneri Censura Belgica juris canonici, 3 shills. sterl.
For Platonis opera omnia 3 tomes, 6 shills. sterl.
For a book containing some sermons of Mr.
William Struthers anent true happines; item
a defensative against the poyson of supposed
prophecies, Peters complaint, etc., 2 merks.
The first three parts of the famed romance Cleopatra.
11 or 12 litle paper books all wrytten with my oune hand
on miscellany subjects anno 1675 besydes many things
then wryt be me in other books and papers.
Reiffenbergij Orationes politicae, etc., 15 pence.
Memoires of the reigne of Lowis the 14 of France.
Doctorum aliquot virorum vivae effigies
ad numerum 38, 3 shillings sterl.
Luciani opera quae extant omnia gifted me by my client
Mr. Patrick Hamilton of Dalserf. I had some of his
Dialogues by themselfes in a book apart of before.
For a treatise of maritime affairs, 5 shillings and 6 pence.
The case of the bankers and their creditors stated
and examined, 2 shills. sterl.
Shaftesbury and Buckinghames Speeches in October and
November 1675 with the letter to a friend about the
test against dissenters from the Church, 3 shill. and 6 pence.
For Robertj Baillij opus historicum, 4 shillings and 6 pence.
For Le Grands Man without passion or wise stoick, 28 pence.
For William Pens lnglands interest discovered
with honor to the prince, 12 pence.
For a treatise of human reason, 8 pence.
For observations upon it, 8 pence.
Vide Hobs infra in 1680.
Gassendi Exercitationes adversus Aristoteleos, item de
vita et moribus Epicuri, item L’Aunoy de varia
Aristotelis fortuna in Academia Parisiensi, all
bound togither, stood me, 3 shills. sterl.
Kirkwoods Grammatica Latina, 8 pence.
Mitchells Answer to Barclay the Quakers angrie pamphlet, 11 pence.
Chevreau’s Mirror of fortune, 28 pence.
John Bona’s Guide to Aeternity, 20 pence.
A Rebuke to informers and a plea for nonconformists
and their meitings, a shilling.
A. Couleys poemes and works, 13 shil. ster.
Boyls Seraphick love, 18 pence.
Item, his Excellency of theology above Naturall Philosophy, 30 pence.
His Considerationes concerning the stile