5 Septembre 1674 donnee et paye a Henry le Bois
an nom et sur le epistre de Monsieur Jean Du
Bois, son frere dix thalers Imperiaux et dequoy
ledit Hendry on’a donne une quitance, 10 rix dollars.
On the 17 of September 1674 payed to Mr. Archbald
Camron for registrating my sone Androws
name with some of the witnesses, a dollar.
On the 18 of Septr. payed for a new razor, 2 shillings.
Payed to Thomas Wilsone kirk thresurer because
my sone was not baptised the tyme of sermon, a rix dollar.
Payed for a collation I gave to S.G. Lockhart,
W. Murray, W. Pringle, etc., 8 lb. ij shill. Scots.
Item, payed to Edward Gilespie for a years maill
of my seat in the church, viz., from Whitsonday
1673 till Whitsonday last, and got his discharge
of it, 12 lb. Scots.
The nixt money I made use of was 287 merks I receaved on the 28 of September 1674 from Thomas Robertsone, being a years annuel rent of the principall summe of 5000 mks. owing by the said Thomas to me by bond, viz., from Lambes 1673 till Lambes last 1674 (which interest is indeed at 6 per cent. 300 merks), but in regard by the act of parliament 1672 their was deduction of on of 6 to be allowed for the quarter from Lambes to Martinmas 1673, theirfor 13 merks was abated of the full annuel rent upon the said accompt, and I receaved only the forsaid 287 mks. and discharged him of a years annuel rent including the deduction per expressum.
Item, on the 29 of September 1674, payed to John
Cheisley of Dalry, younger, in presence
of his
brother James 29 lb. Scots in 10
rix dollars for
the maill of the 2 chambers I possest
from him
in Brunsfield,[698] by the space of 4
moneths in the
last summer,
29 lb. Scots in 10 rix dollars.
Item, spent that 6 of October 1674, that I quite
Edenbrugh on the kings proclamation of
against the debarred advocats,
29 pence.
[698] Summer quarters.
In October 1674 my wife counted with George Patersone, wright, who had possest the low roume[699] of our house from Whitsonday 1673 till Whitsonday last 1674, and thairupon was owing me 40 lb. Scots of maill, and receaved in from him onlie 24 lb. Scots, the other 16 lb. being allowed him for a compt of work furnished by him to us, and wheiron shee gave him up my discharge to him of the wholle 40 lb. as a years maill of the said house. This 24 lb. Scots was waired out and employed upon my house.
[699] Part of house sublet at 40 l. Scots.