This is the accompt of the haill 26 dollars.
Item, receaved at 2 sundry consultations 6 dollars, out of which:
Imprimis, given to my wife,
2 dollars.
Item, on win at Aberdour,
a mark.
Item, for sieng the house and yairds of Dunybirsell,
a mark.
To G. Kirkcaldie’s servante,
a dollar.
To my wife,
halfe a croun.
For the New art of wying vanity against Mr. G.
15 pence.
Item, to my wife for the use of the house on the
last of Decr. 1672,
8 dollars.
Which was out of other money I had besyde me, which 8 dollars with what I gave formerly makes up 14 dollars and 3 shillings sterl. of the money due to hir for the moneth of January 1673.
Item, again to my wife,
a dollar and 4 merks.
Item, given hir,
2 merks.
As also given to hir,
two dollars.
Item, given to hir again,
a dollar.
Item, given hir, thrie dollars
and 2 shillings.
Item, given hir,
2 dollars.
Then on the 19 of february 1673, I receaved from Rot. Govan, gairdner, 20 lb. in payment of his tack duety for all termes preceiding Martinmas 1672, out of which Imprimis:
Payed for my selfe and Mr. John Wood for seing
the comoedy called Sir Martin Mar-all,
a dollar.
Item, to my wife,
3 dollars.
Given in with the trades bill,
a dollar.
Item, at a collation,
l6 pence.
Item, given to my wife,
a dollar.
Item, waired upon sundrie things,
40 shil.
This is the accompt of the 20 lb.
Then upon the 5’t day of March 1673 I receaved from my father 400 merks, the first monie I lifted furth of the annuity payable to me from Lambes 1671 till Lambes 1672 last bypast: all preceiding Lambes 1671 being payed to me by my father as I have already marked, out of which:
Imprimis, given to my wife,
23 dollars.
to pay hir ale compt which
was 9 dollars: hir baxter compt,
5 dollars, hir wobster, 2
dollars; hir coalman, 3 dollars. Hir
nurse for the bairne Jonets
quarter, 4 dollars.[669]
Item, given my wife for the use of the house during
this moneth of March,
10 dollars.
Item, for a pair of gloves,