Imprimis, given to my wife the tyme aforsaid,
2 dollars.
Item, for sundry books, vid.:
Barronius Annals compendized, 2 tomes,.
Summa conciliorum, Tyrius Maximus, Danaei Antiquitates,
Benzonis Historia Americae, Demosthenis
| 15 shillings
| and 6 pence.
Apulei opera omnia, Bucholzeri Chronologia,
S.G. M’Keinzies Plaidings,
Item, for myselfe and my wife at the comedy called
Love and Honor,
a dollar.
Item, on win after I came home,
18 pence.
Item, given to my wife for the use of the house on
the 20 of November,
16 dollars.
Item, upon win at sundry times,
40 shiling.
This is the haill 23 dollars.
Item,[668] at sundrie consultations, vid., on of George Homes, 4 dollars; on of Henry Lindsay’s for the Laird of Guthry, 4 dollars. Item, from James Gibsone, 2 dollars; on of Mr. P. Hamilton of Dalserfes, 4 dollars; from Mr. Alex. Seaton in name of my Lord Winton, 10 dollars. Item, at a consultation with the toune of Edr., 10 dollars, making in all 34 dolars, wheirof upon sundry occasions which do not now occurre, I spent 8 dollars long ago. So then their remains 26 dollars, out of which Imprimis:
[668] Example of counsel’s fees.
Given or lent to Margaret Ramsay at the hilhead,
3 dollars.
Given in charity to on Anna Gordon upon hir testificats,
a shilling.
Item, at Jo. Meggets relicts brithle,
a dollar.
Item, at collations since,
a dollar.
Item, upon other affairs,
tuo dollars.
For seing the comedy called the Siege of Granada,
2d part, for my selfe, my wife, and Grissell
a dollar and a halfe.
Item, to the bassin at the church door,
halfe a dollar.
Item, given to my wife,
a dollar.
Given to G. Patersone, the wright, his woman or
a dollar.
Item, at a collation with Charl. Oliphant about
Touch, 24 pence.
Item, at the comoedy, being the first part of Granada’s
seige, for my selfe, my wife, Rachel,
Grissell Ramsayes,
2 dollars.
Item, given to my wife for the use of the house,
8 dollars.
Item, for the acts of parlia., session 1672, etc.,
30 shiling.
Item, for binding Hadington’s Praitiques,
42 shilling.
For a quaire of paper,
6 pence.
Item, upon other uses,
40 shilling.
Item, to my wife,
2 dollars.