For 2 quaire of paper and ink, 18 pence.
For ane 100 plumes, 8 pence.
To Idington’s Man when he come from Dundy
with the cloath, 29 shil.
To my man for sundrie depursements for me, 29 shil.
To the woman Marion for buying meall to the house, a shilling.
Item, in Peirson’s with Rot. Bell, 27 shill.
Item, for my dinner in Pentherer’s with Rot. Bell, etc., 48 shill.
Item, for a coach hyre out of Leith, 30 shiling.
Item, to Grange’s man, a shilling.
Item, to my wife, halfe a dollar.
Item, for a mutching of tent, a shilling.
Item, given to the nurse to be compted in her fie, 2 dollars.
Item, given to my wife, a dollar.
This is the full accompt of the said 200 mks.
Then about the 14 of August I receaved from my father 300 mks. which made with all the former 900 mks. of this year 1671.
Out of which imprimis:
Given to my wife to pay the making of her goune and other things, 4 dollars. In Painston’s with Mr. Jo. Eleis, 29 shiling. To my wife, 50 shiling. For a choping of brandy, 14 pence. Item for a hat in Broun’s, 7 shilings. Item, to my wife, a dollar. Item, to Grange’s nurse, a dollar. Item, to the barber Henry Porrock, 6 pence. Item, to George Gairner, a mark. Item, to W’m Binning the thesaurer his nurse, a dollar. Item, to David Colyear, 36 shilling. Item, on the 5 of September given to my wife for the use of the house, ij dollars and a halfe.
This is one 100 merks.
Then on the same day given her farder for the
same use,
11 dollars.
Item, given hir,
halfe a dollar.
Item, for wax and soap,
7 pence.
Payed to Henry Hope for ports of letters when
I was in Holland,
5 lb. 10s.
For the acts of parlia. in June 1649,
For 6 dozen of gold strips to the hangings at 7s.[657]
and 6 p. the dozen,
9 dollars.
Upon seck,
5 pence.