Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.
13 lb. 5 s. 
Payed for halfe a quarter’s fie with the nurse’s
  child, 5 Ib. 
Given to my wife, 2 shilings. 
Payed at a collation with Mr. Charles Wardlaw, etc., 29 shil. 
Item, to buy figs with, 9 pence. 
Item, for Knox his History and Navarri Manuale, 2 dollars.

This is the accompt of one 100 mks.

Then of the rest.

Imprimis, given for the use of the house on the 1 of
  Aprile 1671, 7 dollars. 
On the 8 of Aprill given to the midwife, 5 dollars. 
Given to my wife to buy a litle silver dish with,
  which cost hir 33 shiling, a dollar. 
Given to my wife for sundry uses, 2 dollars. 
Spent upon wine, 24 shiling. 
Then given to my wife to buy turkies, etc., 2 dollars. 
Then given for ribbans to be garters, etc., 35 shil. 
Then on beir in Peter Wats at a morning drink, 5 shil. 
Then to Sir John Dalrymple’s child’s nurse, a dollar. 
To Mr. Archbald Camron for taking up[648] the child’s name, a dollar. 
To the scavinger, 2 shilings. 
At the kirk door, a 6 pence. 
To the bedells, a dollar. 
Given to my wife for sundry uses, 3 lb. 15 shil.

    [648] Registering.

This makes 200 mks.

Then given out of the other: 

Imprimis, to my wife, a dollar. 
At a collation with Patrick Don, 43 shil. 
To my wife to pay a quarter for
  the nurse hir bairnes fie,[649] 2 dollars. 
Item for the houses use, 2 dollars. 
For a quaire of paper, 8 pence. 
Item given to my wife, 5 pound. 
Item given hir for buying meat to the gossips when they visit, 2 dollars. 
Given to pay the win and seck gotten out of Painston’s, 4 dolars. 
Given to buy a coat to the bairne John, a dolar. 
Given to buy wool with, 2 dollars. 
Given to the poor, a shiling. 
Given for wine, 20 shiling. 
Given to the house, a dollar. 
Given by my wife and me to Sir Androw’s nurse,

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.