Payed for halfe a quarter’s fie with the nurse’s
child, 5 Ib.
Given to my wife, 2 shilings.
Payed at a collation with Mr. Charles Wardlaw, etc., 29 shil.
Item, to buy figs with, 9 pence.
Item, for Knox his History and Navarri Manuale, 2 dollars.
This is the accompt of one 100 mks.
Then of the rest.
Imprimis, given for the use of the house on the 1
Aprile 1671,
7 dollars.
On the 8 of Aprill given to the midwife,
5 dollars.
Given to my wife to buy a litle silver dish with,
which cost hir 33 shiling,
a dollar.
Given to my wife for sundry uses,
2 dollars.
Spent upon wine,
24 shiling.
Then given to my wife to buy turkies, etc.,
2 dollars.
Then given for ribbans to be garters, etc.,
35 shil.
Then on beir in Peter Wats at a morning drink,
5 shil.
Then to Sir John Dalrymple’s child’s nurse,
a dollar.
To Mr. Archbald Camron for taking up[648] the child’s
name, a dollar.
To the scavinger,
2 shilings.
At the kirk door,
a 6 pence.
To the bedells,
a dollar.
Given to my wife for sundry uses,
3 lb. 15 shil.
[648] Registering.
This makes 200 mks.
Then given out of the other:
Imprimis, to my wife,
a dollar.
At a collation with Patrick Don,
43 shil.
To my wife to pay a quarter for
the nurse hir bairnes fie,[649]
2 dollars.
Item for the houses use,
2 dollars.
For a quaire of paper,
8 pence.
Item given to my wife,
5 pound.
Item given hir for buying meat to the gossips when
they visit, 2 dollars.
Given to pay the win and seck gotten out of Painston’s,
4 dolars.
Given to buy a coat to the bairne John,
a dolar.
Given to buy wool with,
2 dollars.
Given to the poor,
a shiling.
Given for wine,
20 shiling.
Given to the house,
a dollar.
Given by my wife and me to Sir Androw’s nurse,