[646] 1 Dollar equal to 4 s. 10-1/2d.
This is the count of the other 100 mks. of the 200 given me in pension.
Then I received from Wm Binning thesaurer 10 dollars, 4 of them consultation money, and 6 of them to make the 12 lb. st. or 150 lb. Scots,[647] of pension to me, out of which:
[647] 150 l. Scots ought
to have been equal to L12, 10s. This shows
the Scots money was not at the time at par with the
Imprimis, given at a collation with Mr. Wm Lauder,
30 shils.
Given to the bedell at Leith,
6 pence.
Given to my wife,
2 shilings.
For sweit pouder,
2 shilings.
For wine,
5 pence.
Given to my wife,
6 pence.
Given for wine,
16 pence.
Given to my wife to buy shoes with and lint,
a dollar.
Given for the use of the house,
a dollar.
Payed for wine in Lieth,
20 shil.
Given at Hew Boyde’s contribution,
a shiling.
Given to my wife,
a dollar.
Given to buy lint with,
a dollar.
Given for a drinking glasse,
6 pence.
Given to my wife,
a dollar.
Given for the State of England, 2d volume,
3 shilings.
Spent on wine,
18 pence.
Given for the use of the house,
a dollar.
This is all the 10 dollars.
Then I receaved on the 17 of March 1671 from my father 300 mks. which made in all of what I had receaved from him 1700 mks., out of which:
Imprimis, given for the use of the house,
a dollar.
Given to my wife to buy lace for a pinner, to buy
holland for napkins and aprons, etc.,
5 dollars and a halfe.
Item, for a chopin of win,
10 pence.
Item, given to my wife,
10 pence.
Item, for the use of the house,
a dollar.
To my wife to buy lace for apron and napkins,
a dolar and a halfe.
Payed at a collation with collonell Ramsay,
42 shiling.
Lent to James Lauder,
2 dollars.
Given for the house,
halfe a dolar.
Given to the barber,
a shiling.
Payed to the baker conforme to his accompt,