On win with Ja. Lauds, 5 pence.
Given to my wife, a dollar.
Item given to hir, halfe a mark.
Given to the barber, a 6 pence.
Given in Pentherer’s, 8 pence.
Given to my wife for my ...[640] a dollar.
Item given to my wife for the house, a dollar.
Given for new wine, a shilling.
Given to my wife, 29 shilling.
Given againe to my wife, a dollar.
Given for the house, a dollar.
Given to my wife, 3 dollars.
[640] Word interlined illegible, like ‘manninie.’
This is the account of the wholle 300 mks. all till about a dollar which I remember not of.
Then towards the end of November I received from my father about 200 mks. and 3 dollars which with all the former made 1200 mks. wheirof imprimis.[641]
[641] In the first of these
entries the value of the dollar comes out
4s. 11d., in the second at 5s.
A dollar and a halfe given to a man for teaching
my wife writing and arithmetick,
4 lb. 8s.
Then a dollar for the serving woman’s halfe
fie, 3lb.
Item in drinkmoney to the bedell and others,
halfe a croun.
Item to my wife,
a dollar.
Item at Geo. Lauder’s penny wedding,
a dollar.
Item to the fidlers,
a 6 pence.
Given to my wife,
a dollar.
Item, given hir for the use of the house on the 2’d
of December,
10 dollars.
To the barber,
10 pence.
Upon win and at cards,
13 pence.
To my wife,
a mark.
For a pair of shoes and gallasches[642] to them,
5s. and 10 p.
To my wife,
6 pence.
Given to my wife to buy to hir nurse a wastcoat
with and shoes, etc.,
2 dollars.
At a collation with Rot. Bell in Pentherer’s,
34 shiling.
To Mr. Thomas Hay that he might give up the
2 dolars.
For Broun’s Vulgar errors,
6 shilings 6 p.
For the Present State of England,
halfe a croun.
For the moral state of it,
2 shilings.
Then given at the kirk door,
halfe a dollar.