Item, payed for my press making and colouring, etc.,
9 lb. 10s. For the glasses footgang,
For seing the Duke’s Berge at Leith,
2 lb. 10s. Given to my wife,
2 dollars.
Given to the nurse to buy a bible with,
one dollar. With Kilmundie,
10 pence.
For the articles of Regulations,
10 pence. Then given to my wife,
2 doll. and a shilling.
Then given hir to buy shoes, linnen, and other
things with,
5 dollars.
For 2 quaires of paper,
18 pence. At Hadoe’s man’s
wedding, a dollar.
For seck with Thomas Robertsone,
10 pence. For wine with my landlord,
5 pence.
Given for the houses use,
2 dollars. For a coatch,
2 shillings.
Summa is 19 dollars and a halfe.
Then on the thrid of September 1670, I received my
years annuel rent from
Thomas Robertsone, vid., 300 merks, the count wheirof
Imprimis, given to my wife when she went to Wauchton,
2 dollars.
Given to the barber,
halfe a mark.
Given to a poor boy,
halfe a mark.
Given in drinkmoney to my goodfather’s nurse,
a dollar.
Given to Huntar, my goodfather’s man,
a 6 pence.
A dollar to Jo. Scots nourrice,
a dollar.
Given to the woman Margaret,
2 dollars.
Spent on Rhenish wine at Hadingtoun,
30 shilling.
For my breakfast at Lintoun bridges,
22 shiling.
To Idingtoun’s men bigging the hay rick,
20 shiling.
To his gairdner,
halfe a dollar.
To the kirkbroad,
10 shiling.
To Idington’s serving woman,
a dollar.
To his hielandman,
15 shilling.
To my goodbrother’s man Lambe,
a mark.
For the horse meat at Hadingtoun,
10 pence.
To the tailzeor for mending my cloaths,
a shilling.
To my father’s man Arthur,
45 shilling.
To Wodstone’s man Florie,
a shilling.
To the kirk broad at Abbotshall,
a 6 pence.
For Rhenish in Kirkealdy,
55 shiling.
Then given to my wife for the house,
10 dollars.
For binding Durie’s 2’d volume,
2 lb. 2 shil.