The Wrichtshouses near Edenburgh, they say, was denominat from this, that in King James the 2ds dayes the ground about all being a forrest (lochia sylva is derived from lochs, insidioe, in the Greek, quia insidiantibus capta est sylva. Wossius[597] partit. orator, p. 328), and wheirin their was many robbries and murders committed. K. Ja. gave order to cut it doune. The Wrichts that ware appointed for this work had their huts and lodges whither they resorted for their dyet and on other accompts put up in the very individuall place wheir the house and place of the Wrightshouses is now situat, and so gave that denomination to the ground theirafter.
[597] Vossius, Gerard.
Johannes, Dutch philologist, 1577-1649, author
De Quatuor Artibus Popularibus, etc.
[598] MS. H.
On the 5 of June 1668 was I admitted Advocat. At this tyme died my Lord Carden, and Gosfurd succeided.
In the November theirafter died Mr. Robert Burnet, Advocat.
In May 1669 died Mr. Laurence Oliphant, Advocat.
In July 1669 died William Lylle, Advocat.
In August died William Douglas of Kirknes, who the session before had given in his trialls in order to his admission to be a Advocat.
In September 1669 died Mr. Alexander Osuald, Advocat.
On the 15 day of September 1669 was I chosen conjunct assessor with Sir George Lockart to the good toune. Its at large booked on the 13 of May 1670.
On the 9nd of October also 1669 ware we chosen for assessors to the wholle borrows in their Convention.
On the last of October 1669 died Mr. Laurence Scot of Bevely, one of the Clerks of Session, and that same night Alexander Monroe, Comisar of Stirling, was provided theirto.
On the 25 of March 1670 died the Lord Kinglassie, to whosse place was provyded the Laird of Haltoun.
In April 1670 died John Scot, Keiper of the Minut book, and his place was continued with his sone Francis.
In May 1670 died John Kello, on of the under clerks, to whom succeided (after Robert Hamilton had officiat as under clerk the Summer session that followed, and Mr. Thomas Hay the following sessions till January 1673) James Hamilton, wryter.
On the 5 of July 1670 Mr. Thomas Nicolsone, Advocat, died frenetick.
In anno 1668 Sir James Keith, Laird of Caddome, having threatned Mr. David Falconer, Advocat, ane ill turne, and being complained upon, and in his vindication reflecting upon my Lord Halkerton, he was committed to the tolbuith and fined.
That same year, Mr. David Thoires having miscaried in a supplication given in by him to the Lords in behalfe of a client against Doctor Hay, bearing they were minded to satisfy the Doctors unsatiable covetousnesse to the oppression of the widow and the fatherles, he was sent to prison, fyned, and craved them humbly pardon.