Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 eBook

John Lauder
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 528 pages of information about Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36.

About the 25 of Aprile 1669 I went over to Fyfe with my father in law.  Landed at Kinghorne, wheir is an old castle ruinous, once belonging to the Lord of Glammes, who had also a considerable intres within that toune, but hes non now save the presentation of the minister (who is called Mr. Gilbert Lyon) onlie.  Walked from that to the Links on our foot by the sea syde:  saw Seafield Castle midway who ware Moutray to their names.  The French in Queen Maries dayes made use of it for a strenth.  Then came to Innerteill links, wheir be conies.  Then to the Linktoune, divided by the West burne fra Innerteill lands, wheir dwell neir 300 families, most of them mechanicks, above 20 sutors masters, 37 wobsters, as many tailzeours:  its set out to them by ruides, each ruid payes a shilling of few duetie.  Saw the Westmilne house, the goodmen wheirof ware Boswels.  The milne bes the toune of Kirkcaldie thirled to it:  payes some 16 chalders of wictuall.  Halfe a mile from this is Abbotshall church lands, tuise confirmed by the Popes:  they ware Scots, cadets of the Laird of Balveirie.  Payed a considerable few duety to the Abbots of Dumferling, which is now payed to the King.  He[556] bes lately got in the Scarres and Montholie, 16 chalders of wictuall.  Theirs a garden, bouling grein, tarraswalk, fruite yard, wild orchard and a most spatious park, with a meadow and a loch, wheir are a great number of picks, manie wild ducks big theirin.  Neir it lyes the Raith, my Lord Melvills.  Balveirie is his also, and Bogie, Bogs Eye, on the eye of a boog, Veimes.[557] Touch, Thomsone, his father was a Writer to the Signet, some 10 chalders of wictuall; Bannochie belongs to Boogie:  on Ayton hes a wodset on it.

    [556] His father-in-law, Abbotshall.

    [557] i.e. Bogie belonged to a family of Wemyss.

Saw Grange, a wery sweit place:  was Tresaurer of Scottland in Quein Maries dayes, and Cunyghameheid was his depute, and his sone again was governour of Edenburgh Castle and was hanged.  Slew a 100 Frenchmen once at Masse.  Much planting about it.  Is but 28 chalders of wictuall.

Saw Innerteill.  It layes low, belonged to on Erskein, was a Lord of the Session, had a daughter onlie, who married the Laird of Tarbet, then Colinton.  Malcolm of Babedie hes bought it (its 36 chalders of good wictuall):  gave for it 40,000 lb., and bids[558] hir liferent.

    [558] i.e. bides.

Saw Pittedy, stands on the croup of a hill pleasantly but by; ware Boswuells.  David Dewars father was tennent heir above 30 years.  Its 25 chalders of wictuall.

Kirkaldie is the best merchant toune in Fyfe:  it had before the Englishes came in 80 sail of ships belonging to it, now it will not have 30.  Then is Revensbeuch, its my Lord Sinclairs; then the Pathhead or Pittintillun, belonging to on Watsone in Bruntilland; then the Dysert, wheir are manie saltpans; the Weimes; Easter Weimes, Easter Buckhaven, Anstruther, Craill, Fyfenes, St. Androis, the Elie, belonging to Ardrosse.

Project Gutenberg
Publications of the Scottish History Society, Volume 36 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.