Nundewar range from the west,
3rd January.
Left to right: Mount Riddell, Courada, Mount
Lindesay, Kapular, Mount
A crow during extreme drought.
A thirsty crow, as seen through a glass.
Nundewar range from the north-west,
12th January.
Left to right: Mount Albuera, Mount Riddell,
Mount Frazer, Courada.
Nondescript fruit from Snodgrass
Natural size of the fruit.
Plate 9: Cernua bidyana, or Bidyan
T.L.M. del. A. Picken Lith. Day & Haghe
Lithographers to the Queen.
London, Published by T. & W. Boone.
Sketch explanatory of A useful principle in exploration. North of the Namoi River, a line from B through A to C on the junction of the Gwydir and Darling Rivers. The situation of this junction afforded a curious illustration of the principle which guided me in choosing my route from the great Namoi Lagoon on the 14th of January. Having been then between two rivers (at A) I chose the bearing of 20 degrees west of north, as given by the bearing of the high land (B) in the opposite direction, and this junction (C) was now found to be exactly in that line. That high land was a projecting point of a range; the course of rivers is conformable to the angles of such ranges, and therefore the rivers on each side of me (at A) were not so likely to come in my way in the direction of AC, as in any other direction I could have chosen. The chance of finding firm ground in that direction was also better, as the rivers were only likely to continue separate by the protrusion of some remote offset of ground between them, from the salient feature B.
Courada from the plains. A remarkable hill, as it appears from the north.
Boat-carriage used in the two last expeditions.
Plate 10: Inaccessible valley
of the river Grose.
Major T.L. Mitchell del. G. Barnard Lith.
J. Graf Printer to Her Majesty.
Published by T. and W. Boone, London.
Plate 11: Map of Mr. Cunningham’s
track when lost in the woods.
Sketch showing the Route of Mr. Cunningham as traced
by Assistant
Surveyor Larmer.
Published by T. and W. Boone, 29 New Bond Street.
Plate 12: First meeting with
the chief of the Bogan tribe.
Major T.L. Mitchell del. G. Barnard Lith.
J. Graf Printer to Her Majesty.
Published by T. and W. Boone, London.