11. Plyctolophus leadbeateri. Vig. Plate 23. Volume 2 page 47.
12. Plyctolophus eos. Temm.
13. Platycercus flaviventur. Vig. and Horsf.
14. Platycercus multicolor. Vig. and Horsf.
15. Platycercus bernardi. Vig. and Horsf.
16. Platycercus haematogaster. Gould. (New Species.) Volume 1 page 238.
17. Nanodes discolor. Vig. and Horsf.
18. Nanodes venustus. Vig. and Horsf.
19. Nanodes bourkii. Mitch. (New Species.) From Bogan river.
20. Nanodes.
21. Nanodes haematonotis. (New Species.)
22. Meliphaga chrysotis. Lewin.
23. Meliphaga leucotis.
24. Meliphaga penicillata. Gould.
25. Columba spilanota. Speckled Dove from Fort Bourke.
26. Columba lophotes ? Temm. (New Species.)
27. Columba marmorata. Mitch. (New Species ?) The Freckled Dove, Fort Bourke.
28. Casuarius novae hollandiae. Latb.
29. Tringa.
30. Vanellus. Large Plover tram near Buree.
31. Cygnus atratus. From the Glenelg.
32. Anas cyanea. Mitch. (New species.) From Lake Stapylton.
33. Aquilla fucosa. From the Murrumbidgee.
1. Acernia (Cernua) bidyana. Mitch. (New Species.) Volume 1 page 95.
2. Acernia (Gristes) Peelii. Mitch. (New Species.) Volume 1 page 95.
3. Plotosus Tandanus. Mitch. (New Species.) Volume 1 page 95.
4. Truncatella filosa. Sowerby. (New Sp. of univalve from Mitre lake.) Volume 2 page 191.
1. Cancriform epeira. Volume 1 page 88.
2. Stilbum. Volume 1 page 97.
3. Bembecidae. Volume 1 page 98.
4. Scutellera corallifera. Volume 1 page 98.
5. Abispa australiana. (New Species ?) Volume 1 page 104.
6. Gryllotalpa australis. Volume 1 page 126.
Fossil animals discovered in the Caves of Wellington valley and Buree.
1. Dasyurus laniarius. Owen. (Extinct Species.)
2. Phalangista. (Undetermined Species.)
3. Hyrsiprymnus. (Undetermined Species.)
4. Macropus atlas. Owen. (Extinct Species.)
5. Macropus titan. Owen. (Extinct Species.)
6. Macropus. (Undetermined Species.)
7. Halmaturus. (Undetermined Species.)
8. Phascolomys mitchellii. Owen. (Extinct Species ?)
9. Diprotodon optatum. Owen. (Extinct Genus.)
Fossil shells from the basin of the Hunter, etc.
1. Turbo filosa. Sowerby. (New Species.) Volume 1 page 15.
2. Trochus oculus. Sowerby. (New Species.) Volume 1 page 15.