The Morris Book, Part 1 eBook

Cecil Sharp
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Morris Book, Part 1.

The Morris Book, Part 1 eBook

Cecil Sharp
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Morris Book, Part 1.
| linked.  Loose arms, and turn | | slowly about in last 4 bars of C, | | forming Front. | | | A. B. C. |Mark time, advance, nod, &c., as | " | before.  Link arms in last bar | | of C. | | | A. B. C. |Mark time, advance, &c., with | " | linked arms, as before. | |At the call of “All in,” the dance | | ends quietly on the last four bars, | | mark time, of C. |
MUSIC.               |           MOVEMENTS.                 | FORMATION.
|                                      |
|     HOW D’YE DO (CORNER DANCE).      |
|                                      |
Once to              |Ju. last half-bar.                    | Column.
yourself.           |                                      |
|                                      |
A.               |                                      |
(1st time).          |Down-and-back, Ju.   Up-and-back.,     | Column to
|  j. (forming Fr.).                   |   Front.
|                                      |
B.               |                                      |
(1st time)           |This is the Challenge.   Nos. 1 and    | Front. 
(Corners).           |  6 advance and shake hands, as       |
Bar 1.               |  described (see p. 58).            |
|                                      |
Bar 2.               |Nos. 2 and 5 the same.                |   "
|                                      |
Bar 3.               |Nos. 3 and 4 the same.                | Front.
|                                      |
Bar 4 and 5.         |Nos. 3 and 4 pause (see p. 58).     |   "
|                                      |
A.               |                                      |
(2nd time).          |Chain.                                | Column.
|                                      |
B.               |                                      |
(2nd time)           |This is the Fight.  Nos. 1 and 6       | Front. 
(Corners).           |  advance and square up, as           |
Bar 1.               |  shown in description (see p. 58). |
|                                      |
Bar 2.               |Nos. 2 and 5 the same.                |   "
|                                      |
Bar 3.               |Nos. 3 and 4 the same.                |   "
|                                      |
Bars 4 and 5.        |Nos. 3 and 4 pause as before.         |   "
|                                      |
A.               |                                      |
(3rd time.)          |Cross-over.                           |   "
|                                      |
B.               |                                      |
(3rd time)           |This is the Reconciliation, and       |   "
(Corners).           |  goes precisely as in B, 1st time.   |
|                                      |
A.               |                                      |

Project Gutenberg
The Morris Book, Part 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.