The Morris Book, Part 1 eBook

Cecil Sharp
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Morris Book, Part 1.

The Morris Book, Part 1 eBook

Cecil Sharp
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Morris Book, Part 1.
| Chain. | | | C1. |Chain. | Column. | | B2. | | Bars 1 to 4. |Hand-striking. | Front. | | Bars 5 to 8. |Hand-striking, repeated. | " | | A2. |Cross-over. | " | | B3. | | Bars 1 to 4. |Hand-striking. | " | | Bars 5 to 8. |Hand-striking, repeated | " | | C2. |Back-to-back. | " | | B4. | | Bars 1 to 4. |Hand-striking. | " | | Bars 5 to 7. |Hand-striking, repeated.  Beginning | " | of bar 5, leader calls “All in.” | | | Bar 8. |Beat 1, all j. (giving Col. | Column. | formation).  Half-bar, all throw | | up hands. | | | | ALL IN. |
MUSIC.               |           MOVEMENTS.                 | FORMATION.
|                                      |
|                                      |
Once to yourself     |Partners tap across, last half-bar.   | Column.
|                                      |
A1.              |Down-and-back, Ju.                    |    "
|                                      |
|Up-and-back, j. (forming Front).      | Col. to
|                                      | Front.
|Partners tap at half-bar in bars 4    |
|  and 8.                              |
|                                      |
B1.              |                                      |
Bars 1 to 4          |Tapping (see diagram, p. 54).       |    "
|                                      |
Bars 5 to 8          |Half-Chain.  Tap on half-bar in        | Column.
|  bar 8.                              |
|                                      |
Bars 9 to 12         |Tapping, as in first 4 bars.          | Front.
|                                      |
Bars 13 to 16        |Complete Chain.  Tap on last           | Column.
|  half-bar.                           |
|                                      |
A2.              |Chain.  Tap at half-bar in bars 4      |    "
|  and 8.                              |
|                                      |
B2.              |                                      |
Bars 1 to 4          |Tapping as before.                    | Front.
|                                      |

Project Gutenberg
The Morris Book, Part 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.