The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10.

The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10.
                                                  France, 1766-1817
de VESE, sir Aubrey Ireland, 1788-1846
Dickinson, Emily America, 1830-1886
Dickinson, John America, 1732-1808
Dillon, Wentworth Ireland, 1633-1684
Disraeli, Isaac England, 1766-1848
Doane, bishop George Washington America, 1794-1851
Dobbin, RevOrlando Thomas Ireland,
Doddridge, Philip, D.D.  England, 1702-1751
Donne, Dr. John England, 1573-1631
Dorr, Julia C.R.  America, 1825-
Dow, Lorenzo America, 1777-1834
DOWDNEY, Sarah England,
Drayton, Michael England, 1563-1631
Dryden, John England, 1631-1700
Dwight, Timothy America, 1752-1817
Dyer, John England, 1700-1758

Eastman, Elaine Goodale America, 1863-
Edwin, John England, 1749-1794
Eliot, George (See cross, Marian Evans Lewes)
Elizabeth, queen England, 1533-1603
Elliott, Ebenezer England, 1781-1849
ElliottJane England, 1727-1805
Emerson, Ralph Waldo America, 1803-1882
English, Thomas Dunn America, 1819-1902
Everett, David America, 1769-1813

GRIMOALD, Nicholas England, d. about 1563
Guiney, Louise IMOGEN America, 1861-

HABINGTON, William England, 1605-1645
Hafiz, Mohammed SHEMS-Ed-din Persia, about 1300-1388
Halleck, Fitz-greene America, 1790-1867
HALPINE, Charles Graham (Miles O’Reilly) Ireland, 1829-1869

Project Gutenberg
The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.