The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10.

The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10.
Carney, Julia A America,
Carpenter, Joseph E. America, 1813-
Caswell, Edward England, 1814-
Channing, William Ellery America, 1818-1901
Chapman, George England, 1557-1634
Chaucer, Geoffrey England. 1328-1400
Chesterfield, Earl of England, 1694-1773
Churchill, Charles England, 1731-1764
cibber, Colley England, 1671-1757
Clare, John England, 1793-1864
Coleridge, Hartley England, 1796-1849
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor England, 1722-1834
Coles, Abraham, M.D.  America, 1813-1881
Collins, William England, 1720-1756
Cooke, rose Terry America, 1827-1892
Congreve, William England, 1670-1729
cook, Eliza England, 1817-1889
Cowley, Abraham England, 1618-1667
Cowper, William England, 1731-1800
Crabbe, George England, 1754-1832
CRAIK, Dina M. MULOCK England, 1826-1887
CRANCH, Christopher Pearse America, 1813-1892
CROLY, George England, 1785-1804
cross, Marian Evans Lewes (George Eliot) England, 1819-1880

DABORNE, Robert England, 1590-1660
Daniel, Samuel England, 1562-1619
Dante ALIGHIERI Italy, 1265-1321
Darwin, Erasmus England, 1731-1802
DAVENANT, sir William England, 1605-1668
Davies, sir John England, 1570-1626
Defoe, Daniel England, 1661-1731
Dekker, Thomas England, about 1580-1639
Delaune, Henry England, xvii.  Century
Denham, sir John England, 1615-1668
de STAEL, Madame Anne L.G.  Neckar,

Project Gutenberg
The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.