The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10.

The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10.

  In all amours a lover burns. 
  With frowns, as well as smiles, by turns;
  And hearts have been as oft with sullen,
  As charming looks, surprised and stolen.
Hudibras, Pt.  III.  Canto I.  S. BUTLER.

  Mysterious love, uncertain treasure,
  Hast thou more of pain or pleasure!

* * * * *

  Endless torments dwell about thee: 
  Yet who would live, and live without thee!
Rosamond, Act iii.  Sc. 2.  J. ADDISON.

  If there’s delight in love, ’tis when I see
  The heart, which others bleed-for, bleed for me.
Way of the World, Act iii Sc. 3.  W. CONGREVE.

               Give, you gods,
  Give to your boy, your Caesar,
  The rattle of a globe to play withal,
  This gewgaw world, and put him cheaply off;
  I’ll not be pleased with less than Cleopatra.
All for Love, Act ii.  Sc. 1.  J. DRYDEN.

Much ado there was, God wot;
He woold love, and she woold not,
She sayd, “Never man was trewe;”
He sayes, “None was false to you.”
Phillida and Corydon.  N. BRETON.

                   Forty thousand brothers
  Could not, with all their quantity of love,
  Make up my sum.
Hamlet, Act v.  Sc. 1.  SHAKESPEARE.

Love, then, hath every bliss in store;
’Tis friendship, and ’tis something more. 
Each other every wish they give;
Not to know love is not to live.
Plutus, Cupid, and Time.  J. GAY.


                       Sweet to entrance
  The raptured soul by intermingling glance.
Psyche.  MRS. M. TIGHE.

Our souls sit close and silently within,
And their own web from their own entrails spin;
And when eyes meet far off, our sense is such,
That, spider-like, we feel the tenderest touch.
Marriage a la Mode, Act ii.  Sc. 1.  J. DRYDEN.

Of all the paths [that] lead to a woman’s love
Pity’s the straightest.
Knight of Malta, Act i.  Sc. 1.  BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.

  So mourned the dame of Ephesus her love;
  And thus the soldier, armed with resolution,
  Told his soft tale, and was a thriving wooer.
Shakespeare’s King Richard III. (Altered), Act ii.  Sc. 1.  C. CIBBER.

  The Devil hath not, in all his quiver’s choice,
  An arrow for the heart like a sweet voice.
Don Juan, Canto XV.  LORD BYRON.

  If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully;
  Or, if thou think’st I am too quickly won,
  I’ll frown, and be perverse, and say thee nay,
  So thou wilt woo; but, else, not for the world.
Romeo and Juliet, Act v.  Sc. 2.  SHAKESPEARE.

  Read it, sweet maid, though it be done but slightly: 
  Who can show all his love doth love but lightly.
Sonnet.  S. DANIEL.

  Love first invented verse, and formed the rhyme,
  The motion measured, harmonized the chime.
Cymon and Iphigenia.  J. DRYDEN.

Project Gutenberg
The World's Best Poetry, Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.