Herodias eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about Herodias.

Herodias eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about Herodias.

“His name!” was the cry from all lips.


Antipas fell back in his chair as if a heavy blow had struck him on the breast.  The Sadducees rose from their seats and rushed towards Jacob.  Eleazar raised his voice to a shout in order to make himself heard.  When order was finally restored, he draped his mantle about his shoulders, and, with the air of a judge, proceeded to put questions to Jacob.

“Since the prophet is dead—­” he began.

Murmurs interrupted him.  Many persons believed that Elias was not dead, but had only disappeared.

Eleazar rebuked those who had interrupted him; and continuing, asked: 

“And dost thou believe that he has indeed come to life again?”

“Why should I not believe it?” Jacob replied.

The Sadducees shrugged their shoulders.  Jonathas, opening wide his little eyes, gave a forced, buffoon-like laugh.  Nothing could be more absurd, said he, than the idea that a human body could have eternal life; and he declaimed, for the benefit of the proconsul, this line from a contemporaneous poet: 

Nec crescit, nec post mortem durare videtur.

By this time Aulus was leaning over the side of the pavilion, with pale face, a perspiring brow, and both hands outspread on his stomach.

The Sadducees pretended to be deeply moved at the sight of his suffering, thinking that perhaps the next day the offices of sacrificers would be theirs.  Antipas appeared to be in despair at his guest’s agony.  Vitellius preserved a calm demeanour, although he felt some anxiety, for the loss of his son would mean the loss of his fortune.

But Aulus, quickly recovering after he had relieved his over-burdened stomach, was as eager to eat as before.

“Let some one bring me marble-dust,” he commanded, “or clay of Naxos, sea-water—­anything!  Perhaps it would do me good to bathe.”

He swallowed a quantity of snow; then hesitated between a ragout and a dish of blackbirds; and finally decided in favour of gourds served in honey.  The little Asiatic gazed at his master in astonishment and admiration; to him this exhibition of gluttony denoted a wonderful being belonging to a superior race.

The feast went on.  Slaves served the guests with kidneys, dormice, nightingales, mince-meat dressed with vine-leaves.  The priests discoursed among themselves regarding the supposed resurrection.  Ammonius, pupil of Philon, the Platonist, pronounced them stupid, and told the Greeks that he laughed at their oracles.

Marcellus and Jacob were seated side by side.  Marcellus described the happiness he had felt under the baptism of Mithra, and Jacob made him promise to become a follower of Jesus.

Project Gutenberg
Herodias from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.