Individualization, is the first critical point of
man’s life 118
of animals 37-40
of Moon-animals 126-7, 130-1
Indo-Caucasian root-race 105
Inhabitants of finer worlds 26
Initiations, the great 118, 119-20
simile of university degrees 120
Instincts, of animals 35
of cell-life 65
Intellect is a fifth round development 131
Intelligence in man 42
Intuition in man 23, 42
Intuitional world, the 23, 42
extent of 27
Monad manifests in 42
second outpouring in 33
third outpouring descends to 39-40
Isis Unveiled 15
Jupiter, the planet 124
King of the World, The 11
Kingdom, animal 30-1, 37-9
first elemental 29
mineral 30-3, 40
of angels 84-5
of nature-spirits 84-5
second elemental 30
seven types of each 38
third elemental 30
vegetable 30-1, 38
Kingdoms of nature ensouled by life-waves 38, 126
the elemental 29-30
the seven, of nature 28, 38-9
Koilon 18
Ladder of evolution, the 17, 145
golden 96
rungs of 17
Law, the, of evolution 99, 104-5
of cause and effect 100-7
Laws, the immutable 8
Liberated man 5-6
Life, cell- 65-6
conditions of, after death 74
divine 23, 29, 121
man’s continuous 63
the purpose of 98-9, 108-20
Life-waves, the 28-40
constant-successions of 32
ensoul the kingdoms of nature 33, 37
of chains 121-2, 123-5
two stages of 29
Life-wave, the, now centred on Earth 128
period of, in each kingdom 38-9
Logos, the (see Solar Deity)
Lords of the Flame, assistance given by 132
come to Earth 131
some still remain on Earth 132
of the Moon 126
‘Love, God is’ 10
Lunar-chain (see Moon-chain)
Man, after death 63-96
can kill out vices 110-5
conflict of interest between, and his
vehicles 66
constitution of 41-62
distinction between animals and 40
during sleep 61-2, 70, 74
early, was androgynous 130
evolves through different races 104-5
exists in other worlds 2-3, 42-3
factors determining birth of 104-5
free will of 99-100, 102
has latent powers 2
has many lives 2-4, 42
has powers of evil restricted 102
has several bodies 2-3, 42
is always affecting others 138-9, 147
is a Monad 42
is a soul 2-3
is a Spark of divine Fire 41
is divine in origin 3
is his own law-giver 8
is immortal 8
is influenced by his astral body-entity
is not changed by death 74
is separate from animal kingdom 28
is the outcome of his past 44-5
learns to use his powers in service 108-9
liberated 5-6
makes his own destiny 147