Salammbo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Salammbo.

Salammbo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Salammbo.

The rustling of the veil as it brushed against the stones recalled his new power to him; but in the excess of his hope he could no longer tell what he was to do; this uncertainty alarmed him.

From time to time he would press his face against the quadrangular openings in the closed apartments, and he thought that in several of the latter he could see persons asleep.

The last story, which was narrower, formed a sort of dado on the summit of the terraces.  Matho walked round it slowly.

A milky light filled the sheets of talc which closed the little apertures in the wall, and in their symmetrical arrangement they looked in the darkness like rows of delicate pearls.  He recognised the red door with the black cross.  The throbbing of his heart increased.  He would fain have fled.  He pushed the door and it opened.

A galley-shaped lamp hung burning in the back part of the room, and three rays, emitted from its silver keel, trembled on the lofty wainscots, which were painted red with black bands.  The ceiling was an assemblage of small beams, with amethysts and topazes amid their gilding in the knots of the wood.  On both the great sides of the apartment there stretched a very low bed made with white leathern straps; while above, semi-circles like shells, opened in the thickness of the wall, suffered a garment to come out and hang down to the ground.

There was an oval basin with a step of onyx round it; delicate slippers of serpent skin were standing on the edge, together with an alabaster flagon.  The trace of a wet footstep might be seen beyond.  Exquisite scents were evaporating.

Matho glided over the pavement, which was encrusted with gold, mother-of-pearl, and glass; and, in spite of the polished smoothness of the ground, it seemed to him that his feet sank as though he were walking on sand.

Behind the silver lamp he had perceived a large square of azure held in the air by four cords from above, and he advanced with loins bent and mouth open.

Flamingoes’ wings, fitted on branches of black coral, lay about among purple cushions, tortoiseshell strigils, cedar boxes, and ivory spatulas.  There were antelopes’ horns with rings and bracelets strung upon them; and clay vases were cooling in the wind in the cleft of the wall with a lattice-work of reeds.  Several times he struck his foot, for the ground had various levels of unequal height, which formed a succession of apartments, as it were, in the room.  In the background there were silver balustrades surrounding a carpet strewn with painted flowers.  At last he came to the hanging bed beside an ebony stool serving to get into it.

But the light ceased at the edge;—­and the shadow, like a great curtain, revealed only a corner of the red mattress with the extremity of a little naked foot lying upon its ankle.  Then Matho took up the lamp very gently.

Project Gutenberg
Salammbo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.