Salammbo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Salammbo.

Salammbo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Salammbo.

They visited Hamilcar suddenly and found him in his gardens.

“Barca! we come for that that you know of—­your son!” They added that some people had met him one evening during the previous moon in the centre of the Mappalian district being led by an old man.

He was as though suffocated at first.  But speedily understanding that any denial would be in vain, Hamilcar bowed; and he brought them into the commercial house.  Some slaves who had run up at a sign kept watch all round about it.

He entered Salammbo’s room in a state of distraction.  He seized Hannibal with one hand, snatched up the cord of a trailing garment with the other, tied his feet and hands with it, thrust the end into his mouth to form a gag, and hid him under the bed of the ox-hides by letting an ample drapery fall to the ground.

Afterwards he walked about from right to left, raised his arms, wheeled round, bit his lips.  Then he stood still with staring eyelids, and panted as though he were about to die.

But he clapped his hands three times.  Giddenem appeared.

“Listen!” he said, “go and take from among the slaves a male child from eight to nine years of age, with black hair and swelling forehead!  Bring him here! make haste!”

Giddenem soon entered again, bringing forward a young boy.

He was a miserable child, at once lean and bloated; his skin looked greyish, like the infected rag hanging to his sides; his head was sunk between his shoulders, and with the back of his hand he was rubbing his eyes, which were filled with flies.

How could he ever be confounded with Hannibal! and there was no time to choose another.  Hamilcar looked at Giddenem; he felt inclined to strangle him.

“Begone!” he cried; and the master of the slaves fled.

The misfortune which he had so long dreaded was therefore come, and with extravagant efforts he strove to discover whether there was not some mode, some means to escape it.

Abdalonim suddenly spoke from behind the door.  The Suffet was being asked for.  The servants of Moloch were growing impatient.

Hamilcar repressed a cry as though a red hot iron had burnt him; and he began anew to pace the room like one distraught.  Then he sank down beside the balustrade, and, with his elbows on his knees, pressed his forehead into his shut fists.

The porphyry basin still contained a little clear water for Salammbo’s ablutions.  In spite of his repugnance and all his pride, the Suffet dipped the child into it, and, like a slave merchant, began to wash him and rub him with strigils and red earth.  Then he took two purple squares from the receptacles round the wall, placed one on his breast and the other on his back, and joined them together on the collar bones with two diamond clasps.  He poured perfume upon his head, passed an electrum necklace around his neck, and put on him sandals with heels of pearl,—­sandals belonging to his own daughter!  But he stamped with shame and vexation; Salammbo, who busied herself in helping him, was as pale as he.  The child, dazzled by such splendour, smiled and, growing bold even, was beginning to clap his hands and jump, when Hamilcar took him away.

Project Gutenberg
Salammbo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.