destroyed, you now have risen far above both gods and
men. You might have kept the holy state of a
Kakravartin monarch; but no such good as this would
have resulted.” Thus his words of praise
concluded, filled with increased reverence and religious
love, he who occupied the honored place of a royal
father, bowed down respectfully and did obeisance.
Then all the people of the kingdom, beholding Buddha’s
miraculous power, and having heard the deep and excellent
law, seeing, moreover, the king’s grave reverence,
with clasped hands bowed down and worshipped.
Possessed with deep portentous thoughts, satiated
with sorrows attached to lay-life, they all conceived
a wish to leave their homes. The princes, too,
of the Sakya tribe, their minds enlightened to perceive
the perfect fruit of righteousness, entirely satiated
with the glittering joys of the world, forsaking home,
rejoiced to join his company. Ananda, Nanda,
Kin-pi, Anuruddha, Nandupananda, with Kundadana, all
these principal nobles and others of the Sakya family,
from the teaching of Buddha became disciples and accepted
the law. The sons of the great minister of state,
Udayin being the chief, with all the royal princes
following in order became recluses. Moreover,
the son of Atali, whose name was Upali, seeing all
these princes and the sons of the chief minister becoming
hermits, his mind opening for conversion, he, too,
received the law of renunciation. The royal father
seeing his son possessing the great qualities of Riddhi,
himself entered on the calm flowings of thought, the
gate of the true law of eternal life. Leaving
his kingly estate and country, lost in meditation,
he drank sweet dew. Practising his religious
duties in solitude, silent and contemplative he dwelt
in his palace, a royal Rishi. Tathagata following
a peaceable life, recognized fully by his tribe, repeating
the joyful news of religion, gladdened the hearts
of all his kinsmen hearing him. And now, it being
the right time for begging food, he entered the Kapila
country; in the city all the lords and ladies, in
admiration, raised this chant of praise: “Siddhartha!
fully enlightened! has come back again!” The
news flying quickly in and out of doors, the great
and small came forth to see him; every door and every
window crowded, climbing on shoulders, bending down
the eyes, they gazed upon the marks of beauty on his
person, shining and glorious! Wearing his Kashaya
garment outside, the glory of his person from within
shone forth, like the sun’s perfect wheel; within,
without, he seemed one mass of splendor. Those
who beheld were filled with sympathizing joy; their
hands conjoined, they wept for gladness; and so they
watched him as he paced with dignity the road, his
form collected, all his organs well-controlled!
His lovely body exhibiting the perfection of religious
beauty, his dignified compassion adding to their regretful
joy; his shaven head, his personal beauty sacrificed!
his body clad in dark and sombre vestment, his manner