Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
froth and bubble of the sea.  Would you have pleasure, or would you practise that which brings it near? then prepare yourself by deeds that bring the fourth birth:  but still the five ways in the wheel of birth and death are like the uncertain wandering of the stars; for heavenly beings too must suffer change:  how shall we find with men a hope of constancy; Nirvana! that is the chief rest; composure! that the best of all enjoyments!  The five indulgences enjoyed by mortal kings are fraught with danger and distress, like dwelling with a poisonous snake; what pleasure, for a moment, can there be in such a case?  The wise man sees the world as compassed round with burning flames; he fears always, nor can he rest till he has banished, once for all, birth, age, and death.  Infinitely quiet is the place where the wise man finds his abode; no need of arms or weapons there! no elephants or horses, chariots or soldiers there!  Subdued the power of covetous desire and angry thoughts and ignorance, there’s nothing left in the wide world to conquer!  Knowing what sorrow is, he cuts away the cause of sorrow.  This destroyed, by practising right means, rightly enlightened in the four true principles, he casts off fear and escapes the evil ways of birth.”

The king when first he saw his wondrous spiritual power of miracle rejoiced in heart; but now his feelings deeply affected by the joy of hearing truth, he became a perfect vessel for receiving true religion, and with clasped hands he breathed forth his praise:  “Wonderful indeed! the fruit of your resolve completed thus!  Wonderful indeed! the overwhelming sorrow passed away!  Wonderful indeed, this gain to me!  At first my sorrowing heart was heavy, but now my sorrow has brought forth only profit!  Wonderful indeed! for now, to-day, I reap the full fruit of a begotten son.  It was right he should reject the choice pleasures of a monarch, it was right he should so earnestly and with diligence practise penance; it was right he should cast off his family and kin; it was right he should cut off every feeling of love and affection.  The old Rishi kings boasting of their penance gained no merit; but you, living in a peaceful, quiet place, have done all and completed all; yourself at rest now you give rest to others, moved by your mighty sympathy for all that lives!  If you had kept your first estate with men, and as a Kakravartin monarch ruled the world, possessing then no self-depending power of miracle, how could my soul have then received deliverance?  Then there would have been no excellent law declared, causing me such joy to-day; no! had you been a universal sovereign, the bonds of birth and death would still have been unsevered, but now you have escaped from birth and death; the great pain of transmigration overcome, you are able, for the sake of every creature, widely to preach the law of life immortal, and to exhibit thus your power miraculous, and show the deep and wide power of wisdom; the grief of birth and death eternally

Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.