Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
erred, and who have seduced many, and have gone astray from the straight path.  Those among the children of Israel who believed not, were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus the son of Mary.  This befell them because they were rebellious and transgressed:  they forbade not one another the wickedness which they committed; and woe unto them for what they committed.  Thou shalt see many of them take for their friends those who believe not.  Woe unto them for what their souls have sent before them, for that God is incensed against them, and they shall remain in torment forever.  But, if they had believed in God, and the prophet, and that which hath been revealed unto him, they had not taken them for their friends; but many of them are evil-doers.  Thou shalt surely find the most violent of all men in enmity against the true believers, to be the Jews and the idolaters:  and thou shalt surely find those among them to be the most inclinable to entertain friendship for the true believers, who say, We are Christians.  This cometh to pass, because there are priests and monks among them; and because they are not elated with pride.  And when they hear that which hath been sent down to the apostle read unto them, thou shalt see their eyes overflow with tears, because of the truth which they perceive therein, saying, O Lord, we believe; write us down, therefore, with those who bear witness to the truth:  and what should hinder us from believing in God, and the truth which hath come unto us, and from earnestly desiring that our Lord would introduce us into paradise with the righteous people.  Therefore hath God rewarded them, for what they have said, with gardens through which rivers flow; they shall continue therein forever; and this is the reward of the righteous.  But they who believe not, and accuse our signs of falsehood, they shall be the companions of hell.  O true believers, forbid not the good things which God hath allowed you; but transgress not, for God loveth not the transgressors.  And eat of what God hath given you for food that which is lawful and good:  and fear God, in whom ye believe.  God will not punish you for an inconsiderate word in your oaths; but he will punish you for what ye solemnly swear with deliberation.  And the expiation of such an oath shall be the feeding of ten poor men with such moderate food as ye feed your own families withal; or to clothe them; or to free the neck of a true believer from captivity:  but he who shall not find wherewith to perform one of these three things, shall fast three days.  This is the expiation of your oaths, when ye swear inadvertently.  Therefore keep your oaths.  Thus God declareth unto you his signs, that ye may give thanks.  O true believers, surely wine, and lots, and images, and divining arrows, are an abomination of the work of Satan; therefore avoid them, that ye may prosper.  Satan seeketh to sow dissension and hatred among you, by means of wine and lots, and to divert you from remembering God,
Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.