If he pleaseth he will take you away, O men, and will
produce others in your stead; for God is able to do
this. Whoso desireth the reward of this world,
verily with God is the reward of this world, and also
of that which is to come; God both heareth and seeth.
O true believers, observe justice when ye bear witness
before God, although it be against yourselves, or
your parents, or relations; whether the party be rich,
or whether he be poor; for God is more worthy than
them both: therefore follow not your own lust
in bearing testimony, so that ye swerve from justice.
And whether ye wrest your evidence, or decline giving
it, God is well acquainted with that which ye do.
O true believers, believe in God and his apostle,
and the book which he hath caused to descend unto
his apostle, and the book which he hath formerly sent
down. And whosoever believeth not in God, and
his angels, and his scriptures, and his apostles,
and the last day, he surely erreth in a wide mistake.
Moreover, they who believed, and afterwards became
infidels, and then believed again, and after that
disbelieved, and increased in infidelity, God will
by no means forgive them, nor direct them into the
right way. Declare unto the ungodly that they
shall suffer a painful punishment. They who take
the unbelievers for their protectors, besides the
faithful, do they seek for power with them? since all
power belongeth unto God. And he hath already
revealed unto you, in the book of the Koran, the following
passage: When ye shall hear the signs of God,
they shall not be believed, but they shall be laughed
to scorn. Therefore sit not with them who believe
not, until they engage in different discourse; for
if ye do, ye will certainly become like unto them.
God will surely gather the ungodly and the unbelievers
together in hell. They who wait to observe what
befalleth you, if victory be granted you from God,
say, Were we not with you? But if any advantage
happen to the infidels, they say unto them, Were we
not superior to you, and have we not defended you
against the believers? God shall judge between
you on the day of resurrection; and God will not grant
the unbelievers means to prevail over the faithful.
The hypocrites act deceitfully with God, but he will
deceive them; and when they stand up to pray, they
stand carelessly, affecting to be seen of men, and
remember not God, unless a little, wavering between
faith and infidelity, and adhering neither unto these
nor unto those: and for him whom God shall lead
astray, thou shalt find no true path. O true
believers, take not the unbelievers for your protectors,
besides the faithful. Will ye furnish God with
an evident argument of impiety against you? Moreover,
the hypocrites shall be in the lowest bottom of hell
fire, and thou shalt not find any to help them thence.
But they who repent and amend, and adhere firmly unto
God, and approve the sincerity of their religion to
God, they shall be numbered with the faithful; and
God will surely give the faithful a great reward.