beside him only female deities, and only invoke rebellious
Satan. God cursed him; and he said, Verily I
will take of thy servants a part cut off from the rest,
and I will seduce them, and will insinuate vain desires
into them, and I will command them, and they shall
cut off the ears of cattle; and I will command them,
and they shall change God’s creature. But
whoever taketh Satan for his patron, besides God,
shall surely perish with a manifest destruction.
He maketh them promises, and insinuateth into them
vain desires; yet Satan maketh them only deceitful
promises. The receptacle of these shall be hell,
they shall find no refuge from it. But they who
believe, and do good works, we will surely lead them
into gardens, through which rivers flow; they shall
continue therein forever, according to the true promise
of God; and who is more true than God in what he saith?
It shall not be according to your desires, nor according
to the desires of those who have received the scriptures.
Whoso doeth evil, shall be rewarded for it; and shall
not find any patron or helper, beside God; but whoso
doeth good works, whether he be male or female, and
is a true believer, they shall be admitted into paradise,
and shall not in the least be unjustly dealt with.
Who is better in point of religion than he who resigneth
himself unto God, and is a worker of righteousness,
and followeth the law of Abraham the orthodox? since
God took Abraham for his friend: and to God belongeth
whatsoever is in heaven and on earth; God comprehendeth
all things. They will consult thee concerning
women; Answer, God instructeth you concerning them,
and that which is read unto you in the book of the
Koran concerning female orphans, to whom ye give not
that which is ordained them, neither will ye marry
them, and concerning weak infants, and that ye observe
justice towards orphans: whatever good ye do,
God knoweth it. If a woman fear ill usage, or
aversion, from her husband, it shall be no crime in
them if they agree the matter amicably between themselves;
for a reconciliation is better than a separation.
Men’s souls are naturally inclined to covetousness:
but if ye be kind towards women, and fear to wrong
them, God is well acquainted with what ye do.
Ye can by no means carry yourselves equally between
women in all respects, although ye study to do it;
therefore turn not from a wife with all manner of
aversion, nor leave her like one in suspense:
if ye agree, and fear to abuse your wives, God is
gracious and merciful; but if they separate, God will
satisfy them both of his abundance; for God is extensive
and wise, and unto God belongeth whatsoever is in
heaven and on earth. We have already commanded
those unto whom the scriptures were given before you,
and we command you also, saying, Fear God; but if ye
disbelieve, unto God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven
and on earth; and God is self-sufficient, and to be
praised; for unto God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven
and on earth, and God is a sufficient protector.