Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
in the last day; and whoever hath Satan for a companion, an evil companion hath he!  And what harm would befall them if they should believe in God and the last day, and give alms out of that which God hath bestowed on them? since God knoweth them who do this.  Verily God will not wrong anyone even the weight of an ant:  and if it be a good action, he will double it, and will recompense it in his sight with a great reward.  How will it be with the unbelievers when we shall bring a witness out of each nation against itself, and shall bring thee, O Mohammed, a witness against these people?  In that day they who have not believed, and have rebelled against the apostle of God, shall wish the earth was levelled with them; and they shall not be able to hide any matter from God.  O true believers, come not to prayers when ye are drunk, until ye understand what ye say; nor when ye are polluted by emission of seed, unless ye be travelling on the road, until ye wash yourselves.  But if ye be sick, or on a journey, or any of you come from easing nature, or have touched women, and find no water; take fine clean sand and rub your faces and your hands therewith; for God is merciful and inclined to forgive.  Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scriptures was delivered? they sell error, and desire that ye may wander from the right way; but God well knoweth your enemies.  God is a sufficient patron, and God is a sufficient helper.  Of the Jews there are some who pervert words from their places; and say, We have heard, and have disobeyed; and do thou hear without understanding our meaning, and look upon us:  perplexing with their tongues, and reviling the true religion.  But if they had said, We have heard, and do obey; and do thou hear, and regard us:  certainly it were better for them, and more right.  But God hath cursed them by reason of their infidelity; therefore a few of them only shall believe.  O ye to whom the scriptures have been given, believe in the revelation which we have sent down, confirming that which is with you; before we deface your countenances, and render them as the back parts thereof; or curse them, as we cursed those who transgressed on the Sabbath day; and the command of God was fulfilled.  Surely God will not pardon the giving him an equal; but will pardon any other sin, except that, to whom he pleaseth; and whoso giveth a companion unto God, hath devised a great wickedness.  Hast thou not observed those who justify themselves?  But God justifieth whomsoever he pleaseth, nor shall they be wronged a hair.  Behold, how they imagine a lie against God; and therein is iniquity sufficiently manifest.  Hast thou not considered those to whom part of the scripture hath been given?  They believe in false gods and idols,[71] and say of those who believe not, These are more rightly directed in the way of truth than they who believe on Mohammed.  Those are the men whom God hath cursed; and unto him whom God shall curse, thou shalt surely find no helper.  Shall they have a part
Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.