if ye abstain from marrying slaves, it will be better
for you; God is gracious and merciful. God is
willing to declare these things unto you, and to direct
you according to the ordinances of those who have gone
before you, and to be merciful unto you. God
is knowing and wise. God desireth to be gracious
unto you; but they who follow their lusts, desire that
ye should turn aside from the truth with great deviation.
God is minded to make his religion light unto you:
for man was created weak. O true believers, consume
not your wealth among yourselves in vanity; unless
there be merchandising among you by mutual consent:
neither slay yourselves; for God is merciful towards
you: and whoever doth this maliciously and wickedly,
he will surely cast him to be broiled in hell fire;
and this is easy with God. If ye turn aside from
the grievous sins,[68] of those which ye are forbidden
to commit, we will cleanse you from your smaller faults;
and will introduce you into paradise with an honorable
entry. Covet not that which God hath bestowed
on some of you preferably to others.[69] Unto the
men shall be given a portion of what they shall have
gained, and unto the women shall be given a portion
of what they shall have gained: therefore ask
God of his bounty; for God is omniscient. We
have appointed unto everyone kindred, to inherit part
of what their parents and relations shall leave at
their deaths. And unto those with whom your right
hands have made an alliance, give their part of the
inheritance; for God is witness of all things.
Men shall have the preeminence above women, because
of those advantages wherein God hath caused the one
of them to excel the other, and for that which they
expend of their substance in maintaining their wives.
The honest women are obedient, careful in the absence
of their husbands, for that God preserveth them, by
committing them to the care and protection of the
men. But those, whose perverseness ye shall be
apprehensive of, rebuke; and remove them into separate
apartments, and chastise them.[70] But if they shall
be obedient unto you, seek not an occasion of quarrel
against them; for God is high and great. And
if ye fear a breach between the husband and wife,
send a judge out of his family, and a judge out of
her family: if they shall desire a reconciliation,
God will cause them to agree; for God is knowing and
wise. Serve God, and associate no creature with
him; and show kindness unto parents, and relations,
and orphans, and the poor, and your neighbor who is
of kin to you, and also your neighbor who is a stranger,
and to your familiar companion, and the traveller,
and the captives whom your right hands shall possess;
for God loveth not the proud or vain-glorious, who
are covetous, and recommend covetousness unto men,
and conceal that which God of his bounty hath given
them (we have prepared a shameful punishment for the
unbelievers); and who bestow their wealth in charity
to be observed of men, and believe not in God, nor