Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
God at all.  God will not give them a part in the next life, and they shall suffer a great punishment.  Surely those who purchase infidelity with faith, shall by no means hurt God at all, but they shall suffer a grievous punishment.  And let not the unbelievers think, because we grant them lives long and prosperous, that it is better for their souls:  we grant them long and prosperous lives only that their iniquity may be increased; and they shall suffer an ignominious punishment.  God is not disposed to leave the faithful in the condition which ye are now in, until he sever the wicked from the good; nor is God disposed to make you acquainted with what is a hidden secret, but God chooseth such of his apostles as he pleaseth, to reveal his mind unto:  believe, therefore, in God, and his apostles; and if ye believe, and fear God, ye shall receive a great reward.  And let not those who are covetous of what God of his bounty hath granted them, imagine that their avarice is better for them:  nay, rather it is worse for them.  That which they have covetously reserved shall be bound as a collar about their neck,[60] on the day of the resurrection; unto God belongeth the inheritance of heaven and earth; and God is well acquainted with what ye do.  God hath already heard the saying of those who said, Verily God is poor, and we are rich:  we will surely write down what they have said, and the slaughter which they have made of the prophets without a cause; and we will say unto them, Taste ye the pain of burning.  This shall they suffer for the evil which their hands have sent before them, and because God is not unjust towards mankind; who also say, Surely God hath commanded us, that we should not give credit to any apostle, until one should come unto us with a sacrifice, which should be consumed by fire.  Say, Apostles have already come unto you before me, with plain proofs, and with the miracle which ye mention:  why therefore have ye slain them, if ye speak truth?  If they accuse thee of imposture, the apostles before thee have also been accounted impostors, who brought evident demonstrations, and the scriptures, and the book which enlightened the understanding.  Every soul shall taste of death, and ye shall have your rewards on the day of resurrection; and he who shall be far removed from hell fire, and shall be admitted into paradise, shall be happy:  but the present life is only a deceitful provision.  Ye shall surely be proved in your possessions, and in your persons; and ye shall bear from those unto whom the scripture was delivered before you, and from the idolaters, much hurt:  but if ye be patient, and fear God, this is a matter that is absolutely determined.  And when God accepted the covenant of those to whom the book of the law was given, saying, Ye shall surely publish it unto mankind, ye shall not hide it; yet they threw it behind their backs, and sold it for a small price; but woful is the price for which they have sold it.[61] Think not that they who rejoice at what they have done,
Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.